Independent Signatories of
The Manifesto for Agile Software Development

We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value:
  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan

That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.


Signatures Received: 14 Sep to 10 Oct 2002
Sam Gill: (San Francisco State University)
Chip Camden: (Camden Software Consulting) The whole point of software development is to deliver the best software to the user in a timely fashion -- software that is capable of responding to the changing needs of any industry. The best tools for that job are highly motivated people (developers and customers), and the best processes are the spontaneous interactions between them.
Giri Uppalapati: (Cellarstone)
Todd Harbour: (Self) While my organization can not formally recognize the Agile process (at least not yet), I find the underlying principles and philosophy to be very near to my own thinking and experiences. For me, the key to any process or procedure is UNDERSTANDING. If I don't understand what I am trying to build, there is little chance of my succeeding.
Richard Henderson.
Nick Leoncavallo.
Bente Melgaard Jensen.
Tom Woytaszek: When I first read Extreme Programming by Kent Beck, I really got excited. Small, focused iterations, white board and index card mania, and a departure from documents for document's sake - the dreaded disease of producing documents that "no one will ever read". The software industry got a real jolt. There's still a lot of work to do....
Vic Gemmingen: (NCI Information Systems, Inc.)
Andrew C. Chase: (San Diego Supercomputer Center)
Susanne Elken Thomsen.
Tami Decker: (SUPERVALU, INC) In my many years of developing software, I realize that my most satisfying experiences actually involved principles from this manifesto. Software developers can thrive and stretch themselves in that type of environment. I have also worked in environments that are extremely silo'd, process-oriented and paper-driven, where collaboration is only allowed between specified sets of people, and communication is a long and laborious process through a pre-defined sequence of people and tools. The suffocating effects of this approach on my person, and the debilitating effect on my performance make me want to cry out long and hard for a return to the principles set forth in the Agile Manifesto. Thank you for your vision. Thank you for your voice.
Phil Hamilton: Have practiced and preached this approach for many years. To paraphrase others, the uncommon sense approach to successful systems delivery.
David Putman.
Mike Gorgen.
Wayne Vovil: (ePerth) I have been a programmer since April 1969 and I agree wholeheartedly.
Fujio Kojima.
Richard I. Bopp: (My Technology Group)
Michael Watkin.
Mats Josefsson: (Init AB)
Bruce Coleman.
G Larry Mason: (Hungry Programmer)
Manolo Gómez.
Harv Peters: Agile Development is supported by a huge body of research in Cultural Psychology, Critical Sociology, and Complexity theory. It also "feels right" to those of us who have led successful projects in chaotic, change driven environments. I support this movement as a welcome change from the individualistic, instrumental, checklist-driven philosophies used in the past.
David Bock: ( This just makes so much sense. My organization has its 'roots' in agile methodologies, although many people do not see it that way recently. I have added a reference to the 'agile manifesto' to my personal mission statement, alongside the Software Engineering Code of Ethics, my company's mission statement, and the Pragmatic Programmer's 71 tips.
Richard den Adel: (Vodafone) Wow, 17 people got in a room and agreed on something? THAT must be something.
Mike Robinson: None of this is easy for a 'line of fire' manager to implement in a Dilbertesque organisation. But the quality of product, team morale and customer feedback mandate perseverance - and it's good to know you're all out there !!
Marc Rohloff: (Independant) I think it is about time we realised that people are capable of far more than we, or they, believe and liberated them to do that.
Petri Hakola.
Yan Georget: (Koalog) Defining precisely what a program should compute (its semantic), is often much more difficult than writing the program itself. Hence, a "good" program can be simply defined as program that passes all the tests.
Stefan Roock: (it Workplace Solutions) Agile development means customer orientation for software development.
Jason Nocks: (Nocks Software Systems, Inc.) As a software consultant I continue to see many benefits for myself and my customers when working with XP and Agile software practices.
Nolan Hall: When I started developing software over 20 years ago, I knew something was very wrong about the way projects were being run. I felt like I was in the twilight zone when I'd tell a manager that we had no way to estimate an entire project with so many unknowns, just to have the guy give me a blank stare as if he didn't know what I was talking about. I was trying to find what the Agile movement has put into words. It really is just common sense. Today we can get back to having fun and being creative, instead of blaming the failure of a manufacturing-based process on our creative individuals. Here's to a bright future, and thanks to those who made this into a popular movement.
Haroldo Lima Benício: (QualityWare) Agile Software Development Manifesto (ASDM) is a very good way to look forward to quality assurance of software system projects. Since june 2001, QualityWare <> adopted all the Agile Modeling Values, Principles and Practices to offer the customers more and more previsibility.
Dan Winfield: (Known Future) To produce useful software you have to remember who the software is for. The user. So be Agile.
Peter Ball.
Jaideep Kala: The agile software development approach is much more practical and result oreinted. It removes some of the time consuming tasks like deatiling everything and increases stakeness and accountibility. I have seen that lot of the effort put in documenting everything and having control on evrything is really a waste. Concentrating on the few specifics as mentioned on your charter is a sure way of getting the best value for right efforts
Rob Neely: (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) It is highly encouraging to see that methods our developers have been using for years, born out of a culture based on emphasis of delivering high quality complex scientific programs, now has a place to "hang our hat". I applaud the work done by the alliance, and hope to continue to learn how to improve our development processes along the lines outlined in the manifesto.
Dr. Christian Mann: (ippon!Soft) I have to confess, that I'm a Jacobson fan, but if I have a more close look at all the projects I joined within my professional life, then it's ("crystal" ;-) clear, that any successful project had at least an "agile phase" where we started travelling light. Every methodology has to be customized to the concrete project, and if it's done right, it means allways: - Don't produce a document you don't know what it's for! - Don't produce a document which duplicates information! - Don't produce anything you don't need later on! - But allway produce what the customer wants!!! From that point of view, agile methods are just the stuff a professional developer (and especially a consultant) is doing anyway! (Usually, we are just afraid to admit...)
Oryan Wilson: (The Vienna Circle Inc) I support this lively approach of creative individuals. I would like to find companies that can build our software in this way.
Rodolfo Cruz: (MSSI) Let's remove the burocratic practices from software development. We need to develop software in a timely fashion, not tons of paperwork.
Claudio Ochoa: (Motorola)
Laurent LA RIZZA: I am signing this manifesto for one reason : simplicity rules the universe and it should always be that way.
Jason Smith: If a thing is worth doing, it's worth doing just well enough!
Friedrich H. Spaltmann: (PINTSCH BAMAG)
Steve Eddy: (Qwest Communications)
Tim DeBruine.
Willem van den Ende: (CQ2) Focusing on working software means to me only doing 'real work', not busywork. Real work to me consists of programming (in the broad sense) and building a learning organization around the software development team, so the software grows as the programmers, users and managers learn together.
Hal Macomber: (Lean Project Consulting, Inc.) If it's not agile it's not likely to succeed. To deliver the value our customers come to expect from us requires we stand ready to adjust to our learning, to the changing circumstances, and to the evolving client's own understanding of what can produce the most value.

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