Independent Signatories of
The Manifesto for Agile Software Development

We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value:
  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan

That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.


Signatures Received: 22 Mar to 21 Apr 2004
David Warth.
Raj Sundar: (Pronto Networks)
Jose Sandoval: (Sandoval Software Solutions Inc.) The better way to develop business applications is to keep the client's needs in mind. A client's need is a business objective to be achieved via technology. As Software Engineers our aim is to solve the business need and to add maximum value (Monetary, ussage of resources, etc) to the client while implementing such solution. Agile technologies strives to accomplish this goal.
Larry Cai: Agile manifesto really gives me a lot of good ideas and points me the right way for the further improvement of my work. Great done, all the big guys.
Ed Laczynski: (LTech Consulting LLC) We have used Agile methods with great success in our migration and new development work.
Wayne Allen: (Portland Consultants Guild) Continuing to advance the state of the art in agile approaches.
Jason Simpson: (Classroom Connect) So obvious once you see it in action. I cannot imagine developing software any other way.
Jeffin Jacob Mathew.
Ted Calhoon: (City of Seattle)
Riku Pirttij�vi.
Sunil Kanojia: (Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc.) We need to come out of analysis-paralysis syndron of "big" organisations and start working like 'entrepreneurs delivering values' through agile approach to both internal and external customers - I do believe that there must be a "customer-supplier" relationship with all the humans in this agile supply chain so as to have accountability and responsiveness. Sincerely Sunil Kanojia 610-213-0085 Cell
Josu Elorduy: (J.e Consulting)
Kim Fillo: (IdentityMine, Inc)
Robert G Smothers: (HQ SSG/ILRC) HURA!
Jean-Paul G�lis: (Appligenics) We always knew it was the right way to do it. Why were we lead to do it otherwise then ? Two questions then : - What about Agile CASE tools ? - What about Agile implementations ?
Jerry Wey: (Valtech )
Deva Mangal: (Valtech) One of the most important ideas I stress to my clients is that our goal is to build working software. Agile processes lets us explore different ways to achieve this goal without sacrificing the quality of our software.
Valerio Schiavoni: (Valerio Homepage) Agile developping is a milestone. Hope these criteria will be widespreaded all over the software world. Valerio Schiavoni Member of LugRoma3 - University of Rome3 Italy
David Moralita: ( I just found this site, and I support the agile manifesto!
Balaji Muthuvarathan.
David Hooker.
Kar : (Lockhurst Ltd.) Though I never deny the importance of documented processes and importance of studying the standard litrature - I believe that purpose of all that is having more structured common sense. Following a plan is important. Responding to change by changing the plan and again following the plan.
Jason Stracner: ( eXtreme Programming is a wonderful concept. I also like a lot of the other Agile methods. The whole Agile ideal seems to work wonderfully.
Robert Hurlbut: (Hurlbut Consulting) I have been using Agile methods for years, and I am glad to sign the Agile Manifesto.
Andr� Luiz Montenegro de Castro.
Bill Mattox.
J. Mark Srebro: (RIT student) Plans and contracts have certain appeal to them but the value of software will always be in its flexibility. Processes and procedures do not lend themselves to shifting needs and technologies. Flexibility is Power
Abdusalam F. A. Nwesri: (RMIT university) I was building some systems in the way agile works. I didn't follow any of agile methods, but I was following some principles listed in this manifesto. It is great and needs more practice and research.
Kyle Morse: (RIT) Taking back software development from software engineers one signature at a time. Low overhead, less paperwork, quality products in less time and at smaller cost. How can you lose?
Vivian van Zyl: (Penley Inc.) A good team of 2 is better than a department caught in red tape and bad communication. And YES, the only measure for performance is a working product! NOT a looks good on paper product.
Shiryl L. Dean: (Organization: would like to say, but better that I don't.) Have I participated in failed projects? Yes. Have I felt there is something better? Yes. Do I think Agile development may be that something? Yes. Is my organization embracing Agile development? NO! Do I believe they should? Resounding YES!
Marco Pancotti: (
Dave Borgeest.
Eric Malm.
Baboo Kureemun: (EVault, Inc.) Thought-workers of today will have to embrace a malleable sphere with day-to-day practices that adjust to the pitiless business realities. The process of software creation demands talent. Without the agile values, talent will remain talent, and will never get converted into working software!
Christian Romney: (
Dylan Thorne: Working quickly and producing beta releases keeps the customer in contact with the development process without cumbersome meetings/demos, and reduces dependency on resources: either a module is completed or it hasn't been started, so there are no pieces for new people to pick up.
Suresh.A: (Azikewe Systems)
Martin Fuzzey: (Parkeon (ex Schlumberger)) At last some good common sense! Unfortunately selling this to some manager types is a bit of a struggle but worth the effort...
Matt Younce: (The Cincinnati Insurance Companies) Long time developer architect, coming to grips with the simple issues of teams of people not working together as well as they can. When collaboration degenerates into finger pointing and defensiveness, the PMs cling even tighter to their plans, handicapping response to change. We are seeking the next generation of team building activities that produce results in development team transformation and performance.
Christopher Corry: (TransAccurate LLC) Agile methods allow software developers to keep their focus on business requirements and deliver needed software solutions. This allows IT Management to align its developers with IT Goals, and distinguish valuable software professionals from those that offer little or no lasting value.
Crispen Scott: As a long suffering software development consultant and contributing author, I hope to find a level of compromise within the Agile world. I have 'existed' under various regimes of management & methods and worked with emperical and homespun toolsets during my 30+ career and have searched for a means to co-existance with the 'heavyweight' and 'lightweight' worlds.
James Pun: (PrintSoft Development Pty Ltd) I have just started hearing about the agile manifesto. Top effort for coming out with new ways of "skinning a cat"
Paul Epps: (EppsNet)
Mike Masino: (UW Extension)
Chris Ball: UK developer/consultant.
Ian Duffy: (ID Computing Limited) At last, a sensible software development manifesto. I have been an Agile developer for years without knowing the name for it! Bring on the day when I can say : "I just get on with it, check progress regularly with the customer, and document it at the end" as a respectable answer to : "So what software development methodology do you use ?". Every customer is different and I haven't met one yet that really knew what they wanted until it had been developed!
Upendra Kumar Singh: Really good process for SDLC.
Noel Azucena: (AICOM Solutions) Software Development is primarily: 1. Creativity; 2. Invention; 3. Passion. The principles of Agile Software seek to reinforce these discipline rather than curtail it with business legalise documents.
Matthew J Reider: (SAIC) After working as a programmer in government IT, I realized there had to be a better way. After climbing my way to middle management, I am now working on a master's, with agile programming effectiveness as my research thesis. Now if we can only convince the OTHER middle managers.

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