Independent Signatories of The Manifesto for Agile Software Development
We are uncovering better ways of developing
software by doing it and helping others do it.
Through this work we have come to value:
That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more. | |
Signatures Received: 28 Aug to 15 Sep 2004 | ||
Qun Lin: Agile development helps me do a better job. Tony Isaac: ( My current employer has convinced itself that we must adopt heavyweight processes as soon as possible...meanwhile, development has ground to a halt. What a waste! Hire some tech writers if you've got to have books! I applaud this effort to debunk some of the old process myths, and lend credibility to concepts that every "real" programmer already knows. Heinrich E. Seifert: (HESConsult Ing.-Buero Seifert) ateeque: (Kamer Technologies) Quality Drive Quantity Barbaros Gunay: ( I believe especially now, -after a market downturn- people will understand real value of agile methods. Shiju Joseph. Stephan K�mper: ( Processes and methods should be as simple as possible - but no simpler (Einstein said something very similar about physical theories). If a formal process is mandatory (manned space flight), then use it. But if it's not ('throw away script'), use something simpler. John Beeman: (Financialware, Inc.) I've been involved in software QA for the past 15+ years but only recently became familiar and involved with agile development and testing activities. And while the shift away from traditional, ingrained requirements-driven development has been cumbersome at times (old dog, new tricks), the efficiencies and outcomes of agile methods continue to be self evident. Simplicity, forethought, and in many ways good old-fashioned common sense are affirmed through the Manifesto. Zeljko Markovic: (Haefele GmbH & Co. KG) Agile is superior. Alan Goodwin: (EDS UK) Ed Wilson: I've been trying to do this for years! Let's get some momentum going. Rob Vermazeren: (itvanced) I fully support and embrace the Agile Manifesto and the principles it describes. With Agility customers get what they want: quality software for a good price. And developers get what they want: something to be proud of. Sylvain Chery: (Agile Partner S.A.) We support the Agile Manifesto and we are promoting its values and practices in Luxembourg and beyond! Alfredo Perez: (Avon Cosmetics Mexico) Ray Suliteanu. SEGHROUCHNI: (STRAGILIS) The more you exercise, the more agile you become ... Rajat Bhattacharya: (Wipro Technologies) DureSameen: (Outreachdigital) Wanna to practise agile mufit sozen. Eric Dubuis: (Berner Fachhochschule) David Medinets: (Eclectic Consulting) | Sarath Chandra K: (Quad One Technologies) Being Agile adds value to our customers, to our team members and us as an organization. Being a small organization we have learnt and responded to various situations in our organization life time. Many of these situations needed us to be 'Agile' and we found the returns of being Agile strongly over weigh the initial inertia to continue with older mechanism. Thomas Pfeffer: (CONET AG) For several months I wondered why my way of PM works quite good despite the fact it wasn't according to classical standardized process models. Now I know what agile means and know I know why it worked and how to work on continuos improvements. The next step is to transport this to management and to convince them from the Agile Manifesto. Cassio Camilo: Better quality and agility to development process is becoming soo important that anyone will use it. Not to replace the tradicional manner, but to agregate values. Karl Moens: (Marsh N.V.) The bit about "helping others do it" is what we do at PerlMonks! ( Narong Wesnarat: I believe this is a good practice for software development. It will eliminate misunderstanding between developers and their customers. Dan Buchanan: I am working on my master's degree in IT and have chosed to write my thesis on Agile processes. Shanba: Interested in the Agile Manifesto. I am a strong believer of team interaction and customer collaboration than on processes and tools. Francesco Frentrop: (Admiral Business Solutions) Way to go! Hari Varanasi: A manifesto that I hope every software developer and IT manager reads and follows. If there is one document about software that folks should read often it is this manifesto. I was fortunate to have some smart people open my eyes to the agile ways. Discovering XP and the seeing it in action was the second best thing I experienced in my software life after my first successful program in BASIC. Keep up the good work. Vijay Ruhela. Behzad Sadeghi: (Internet Systems Group) This makes software develpment a "natural" process. It is natural to work with people, rather than processes. It is natural to get things done, rather than write about them. It is naturally to work with the people you are writing software for. And it is natural to evolve as things evolve, rather than stick to a fixed plan. Leonardo Morley Braga: I want to know more and more about Agile Manifesto! To do that, i will study and pratice the Manifesto. Thanks a lot ! Natalie Vaslavsly. Tim King. | John Madden: (Duke University) Recently discovered the literature on agile and XP development, and it's been a revelation. Software is about people, not about computers! Keep up the good work. kathleen dorsey: (Lab Safety Supply) DI Florin Ioan CHERTES: (DI Florin Ioan CHERTES) We all do some kind of agile development. It is time to speak about it and study it. Mike Mason: ( Mohamed Irshan: (ITTI Private Limited) Marco Romano: (Mobyt Srl) Chandra Hundigam: (NYTP Inc.) Like Extreme programming (XP), Agile Methodology talks about handling changing requirements , Architecture, Design and quickly refactoring the code to achieve the changes. Since most of the managers wants prototype and then develop it into major product.. Agile methodology helps in turning the small idea into a serious project. enrico villa: (an4a) finally !! this is real philosophy ! tnx Song, Chi-hyung: (Seoul National University) Andrej Kyselica. Naman Mehta: (KPIT Cummins Infosystems Ltd) Robert Bibber: (Northeast Laboratory Services) I am the only programmer - and until recently the only IT support - for a small company in Maine. This company is in a high-tech industry so the computer needs are great, but since it is still a small company the budget isn't so great. For five years I've been building software as needed with little or no thought given to the SDLC or other development methodologies mainly because of time constraints. This resulted in having to spend much more time testing, supporting, and maintaining my code. At first this wasn't such a problem, but as my code base grew it became more and more unmanageable. I have been looking for a development methodology that is effective but efficient and allows me to spend more time programming and less time documenting. I am hopefull that the Agile Method will be what I've benn looking for! Sanjeevakumar Hiremath: (Proteans Software Solutions) Yeah, the manifesto is practical. I value Individuals and interactions over processes and tools. But the concept itself needs processes and/or tools to be useful. Andrea Weisberger. Merrill B. Lamont, Jr.: I am delighted to discover that the Agile Manifesto describes much of what I have been doing over the past 8 years in a small IT shop for an overseas operation, where I had sole responsibility to produce custom code (in Oracle) for our users, and the freedom to work closely with them to get it done. The attitude of, "Gee, let's pretend we own this, and want to make it work," makes all the difference in the world. |
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