Independent Signatories of
The Manifesto for Agile Software Development

We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value:
  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan

That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.


Signatures Received: 10 Jun to 19 Jun 2008
Keith Roller.
Charles Jones: (euHodos Technical)
Elivia Lobo: I have recently adopted the Agile model for the testing activities of my project. Would like to know more about the methodologies used, the pros and cons. Thanks, Elivia
Jon Jones: (IBM)
Edwin Manaois: (CGOB) We need this manifesto to put our acts together.
Shannon Wagner: (
Brent Lightner: (Taoti Web Design and Marketing)
Mike Frentz: (Asymmetrik) We have used this method successfully for several years. The difference in productivity between agile methods and traditional waterfall approaches is astounding.
Nuno Gomes.
Henrique Lobo Weissmann: (itexto software)
Stuart Hughes: (
Chris Heisel: (
Henrique Cecci: (Web4.Biz)
Morten Herman Langkjaer.
Grégory Karékinian: (SOGILIS)
Matt Downs: (
Samir Ravikant Hegishte: (Tech Mahindra) I believe that Agile is going to revolutionize the way we are developing the software, especially the enhancement projects. It acts as a catalytic agent speeding up tyhe process of development of quality software to be delivered in iterations.
Jacob Andresen: Let's do this
TRAORE Ben Idrissa: (SOFTNET-BURKINA) okay! for Agile Manifesto
Hans-Joachim Harder: Software developer in Germany and "agile" enthusiast.
Jen Volkening : (EDS)
Jeff Anttila: Agile development has given a real advantage to small teams and its proven flexibility resembles the one from the well known martial art, Aikido. Never oppose, always adjust. After all, nothing impresses a customer more than working product. Bravo!
Teri Sirois: (ECM ) sharing ownership, true teamwork, doing the right thing, constant improvement of product and process, fuller understanding of the requirements, flexible change model, excitement in the air...
Mariano Koldobsky.
Guy Nicholas: (Avid Technology)
Riyaz Fazal.
Inder P Singh: I support the Manifesto for Agile Software Development.
Chris Sims: (Technical Management Institute) I have been doing agile since the turn of the century. It rocks!
Pedro Andrade: (SoftFinança, SA)
Judy Guo: A very good development process. Simplify or de-layer the leadership for old organization. Enroll the most motivated developers or personnel to team with.
chris henley: (FCosmos) get it done. don't stand on ceremony. get it done right (by the customer). get it done.
Alex Mallon: (OsBTI IT Services Inc.) Couldn't agree more. Manifesto has provided users with clear, relevent, easy to use information, which is refreshing nowadays when the demand for fast results grows greater by the second.
Peter Wojciechowski: (SP AusNet) Agile methods have provided the teams I work in faster and higher quality delivery in a highly motivated and fun environment.
Kanakalata N: (NIIT Technologies) I believe in the agile way of software development and have used it in the execution of my projects with success
Roopa Ranganath.
JIang Huan: (Sun Yat-sen Univ') I'm new into Agile. I'm a college student. i love software engineering. best regards.
Tom Sexton: ( Great principles! Structure is good, but not when it delays progress.
Santhosh C K: (Independent Consultant) I am a strong proponent of following processes, but want the processes to be the minimum that will do the job. Agile definitely fits the bill. Had some wonderful success following SCRUM for internal tool development.
D Spink: (Design2b Ltd) We support the Agile Manifesto; talking & working with the customer is very important, and minimalising comprehensive documentation. Well done.
Chris Noon: (one UP) Nearly every project brief I've had no matter how well planned has ended up with some 'mission creep'. Working closely and responsively with the client throughout the development process ensures that projects are delivered in an efficient manner with little or no wasted coding. Yes - I support the agile manifesto!
Badal Mohapatra: This methodology should be promoted sincerely as I found this develops the best relationship between client, vendor, development team and all the stakeholders, which paves way for a long and fruitful association for all.
Alissa Karkos.
Artur Bialy: (Artur Bialy)
Shawn Leonard: (InCycle Software)
Daniel Towler: (Lumedx)
Michael Walkden.
Marcelo Pham: (Software Solutions, LLC)
Ana Henneberke.
Rick Avery: (IBM) I have always believed these principles, and some of my reviews have suffered for it. I will continue to fight for the right to make good software over good processes.

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