Independent Signatories of
The Manifesto for Agile Software Development

We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value:
  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan

That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.


Signatures Received: 01 Jan to 18 Jan 2009
Russ Wright: This shouldn't throw offshoring models on their heads, but it often does. There's so much work to be done in creating real partnerships with suppliers, updating contract writing behaviors, etc. These principles can redesign entire business models starting at the grass roots.
Pavan Kale: (Eossys) I support and belive in this manifesto..
Jason Bunston: (Elite Conceptual Consulting) Excellent methodology. I come at this from a system integration end with involvement in software development process. With application development cycles and service delivery timelines shortened so much these days it pays to focus on client needs first. It's funny to think that it can be otherwise, but time and again I see clients struggling with solutions that were realigned shortly before or after launch, resulting in a partially complete product. I will adopt these principles where I have final say, and promote them where I don't.
Abdollah: (Ati Negar Publications) This manifisto, at least, had a great affect on the software developement world and made the software development a delicious dream from a bad nightmare. It was a step forward.
Sathya Nagesh: These principles are an inspiration for some us in the company and we are rolling out an alternate to the traditional waterfall. Great stuff and I would be happy to contribute in any way possible to this cause.
Vasyl Shpylovyi: (Management Technologies Institute)
Jan Behrens: ( To me these principles are simply the foundation to successful projects - full stop.
Jonathan M. Sheppard: To me, it is obvious that this manifesto is the results of developing success business applications - as useful business software for real business needs demands this approach. I have been developing software for over 30 years and continue to do so - and the only projects that were really successful (regardless of the language or methodology of the day) were the ones where folks really worked together in this specific fashion.
Senthil G: Adopting to change, quickly and as needed and also not loosing focus on the quality - are the greatest benefits.
Cihan Ozcelik: (Kukuriler)
Duane Hoyt: I would like to say that this methodology is truly one that works in the real world. There are so many ways in which any user/customer would change it's mind on a particular requirement. The fact that we don't know too far ahead on how technology results from software development. We must keep our team and stakeholders up to date daily and work with them to ensure quality software being created.
Ashok Dakavaram: (IT Grids LTD) We strongly believe this manifesto is value adding to any IT Services Company for customer focused delivery.
Steve Curbishley.
Milan Sengupta: I would like to sign the Agile Software Development Manifesto and be associated to the latest developments in Agile Software Development.
Ash Awasthi.
Niels Larsen: (
Octavian Vlad.
Gary Gomer: (Corporate Consultants Group, Inc.)
Patrick Kongsilp.
Pawan Bansal: I am following agile principles even unknowing the inner details of the theory. Primarily, I am working with self organized and motivated teams with full customer focus to maximize their level of confort and satisfaction. I had been always thinking that iterative development is not the most desirable option and I should follow the full organized development methodology, but this seems that scrum and XP are ruling the world now a days. Thanks
Larry Baltz: (FolkLogic) I spent many years developing and managing software with both big and small teams, and I always found it frustrating, because it seemed that each project set itself up to fail with everyone pitted against each other. When I read my first Agile development book (Extreme Programming Pocket Guide by Shane Warden) a light went on in my brain when I saw a way to realistically keep customers, managers and developers in synch and to deliver well crafted software at the same time. I've been practicing Agile development ever since.
Angel Hinojosa: (Wal-Mart Stores Inc.) Agile Software Development is the only sustainable development process for organizations in the 21st century. Without a true understanding of the business needs and priorities, developers just are not capable to deliver software applications that satisfy customer's demanding and daily changing requirements.
Natheer Gharaibeh: (Ajloun College University - Al-Balqa Applied University ) Recently, agile software development methodologies have got considerable attention from practitioners. One of the reasons seems that agile methods, to some degree, can be adaptable to different situations. However, as of yet there are no studies examining suitability of agile methodologies for some kinds of information systems . this is waht i want to do....
James King: (Software Education) Whether it is for software development and whether it is agile or not, the manifesto and its supporting principles are really common sense for anyone involved in projects or change
Antonio Picone: ( I SUPPORT it, too. Thanks to a friend of mine, Diego Purpo, I discovered it and I'm really into. Antonio Picone
Martin: (China) I'm a fan of agile process, I came here after I've read it from the book of <<UML distilled>> written by Martin Fowler, I'd like to make friends with all developer, let's improve ourself together!
Adrian Lizzi: (Barcelona04 Computing Group) I've been working for many years in different software projects. I've read the agile manifesto and I do agree with each single statement. The best way to get the job done is by working with the real users every day and have a very skilled and autonomous team.
Jack Pompeo: (Huawei Technologies) I have been practices Lean Techniques for over 25 years and I'm very pleased to support the Agile Manifesto and I firmly believe in these priciples. Jack
Axel Heinz: (Typeer Ltd.) Since we apply SCRUM, we are faster, happier, and better!
Aidan Fitzpatrick: (Reincubate) Agile for nearly ten years!
Dana Mizrahi.
Ulysses Alvarez Laviada: (freelance Flash Developer)
Sergey Krasnov: (Exigen Services) People or processes? Agile is my way!
Tim Hanstine: The manifesto boils down to "Actions over Intent"! Long live Agile.
RAJESH R. BARDE: An effective model for Software Development. SDLC becomes simple yet effective when Agile is adopted and implemented. Good One for all. I like Agile as it is liked by all.
Tyler Jensen: (
Gurvinder Singh: I am interested in Agile development efforts and like to be a part of the development.
Stephanie Geerlings: (Dolores Labs) Go agile, or go home!
sithembinkosi abedinicko: (student)
Richard L Bown: (RLB Designs - Solutions Architects) I have adhered to these concepts and this approach basically since I started designing systems (25+ yrs ago) but had yet never encountered or thought of classifying the approach by giving it a name. Thaank You
Michal Fojtik: ( Agile method of development, especially Ruby on Rails framwork saved me a lot of time and stress. I strongly recommends to use this technique to improve your development model and process.
JoEllen Green.
Alan Mehio: (IT Consultant) I have realized during the last couple of years that we as a software developer has to be very competitive and productive so we need to improve our internal approach for develop a software keeping in our mind the increase complexity of software application compared to the past; the best approach is to have an approach which has proven by the development community as a productive and has a focus on delivering what business more but not less. Agile adoption in its different flavour is our salvation; The second point I want to stress is we have to be cost effective to compete with outsourcing so that outsourcing jobs from labour expensive countries to less labour expensive countries will be none feasible; as a result, Agile methodologies with its different flavour is our salvation and security for keep job away from outsourcing Regards, Alan Mehio London,UK
James R. Harris: (IndependentConsultant) Clearly, I agree that Agile principles are excellent, but I think the "movement" would benefit from more-easily accessed, more detailed descriptions of specific methods/processes and _how_and_why_ they help achieve goals of managers and developers. Too many persons (mostly developers who don't "get it" and IT managers afraid to empower teams to most efficiently develop high-quality software to meet specific customers' needs) go around spouting off about what's great and what's awful about "Agile Development" and they actually only know enough to be dangerous.
Hemant Arole: Scrum is real great and is the Need Of Time to effectively manage the ever changing customer requirements
Marcelo Piazza: (Zatix)
K. M. Arif Aziz: (IT University of Göteberg)
Ernesto Corona: (BHP software Services) We are commited to evolve the way in which we do business, applying agile values and principles to management and, mainly, to develop our people's today and future. With this ongoing, positive results will be a natural output of the system.
Rex McDowell: I am a beliver. 30 years has proven it is true for me.
Bhuiyan Mohammad Iklash: (Grameen Solutions Ltd.)

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