Independent Signatories of
The Manifesto for Agile Software Development

We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value:
  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan

That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.


Signatures Received: 25 Feb to 05 Mar 2012
Christoph Breyer: I definitely support the ideas of this manifesto which emphasize that the individuality, creativity and motivation of a project team overrules predefined rules and mechanisms. Software projects are as unique as their team members.
Samuel Sarmento.
Jason Southern.
Veena Kashyap: Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Drew Lamosse: (Fairview Health Services)
Pablo Sequeira: (MentorMate)
Murilo Saggion Beriam: Software is too important to be made without thinking. And a group thinks much better than individuals. No more late projects, unreal plans. We must work on software which is worth and brings value for the customer.
Ehab Yaaacoub: I think Agile help a large scale of development projects, a lot of organizations and software development focus on achieving customer changes and has no problem in changing software when customer ask for a change, also time is very important they want software or changes as soon as possible so agile handle the customer changes and time constrains
amit bhushan bhatt: (HCL Tech)
Steven M Basche: (Law Offices of Steven M. Basche, LLC) I endorse the Agile Manifisto.
Cristian Baciu: (Cristian Baciu PFA) To be agile means to be alive, to survive.
arjun murty: (bitmoji sarl) agile all the way...
Eric: (My Management Guide (MyMG)) The agile principles are really great! They are the lifeblood of any software project we run in our company. Thank you guys for your great contribution to software development!
Al R. Pangelinan: (Umbrella Systems)
Brooke Estin: (InSTEDD)
Anand Iyer: ( Agile is a fantastic thought, which if occurred earlier, might have changed the world...for better. Not that it hasn't, now. Here's what I like in it: the simplicity, when the power still vests with the user.
Monica G.R. dos Santos.
Joseph Rounceville: (Nationwide Insurance)
andrea venturato: (A.V.V. Business Lawyer) Congratulations! I do appreciate very much your job and your activities!
Piyush Patel: (TCS)
Sergiusz Golec: (DraftOK) Just enjoy agile world
Michael K Donohue: (UTC Climate, Controls and Security Systems) Agile has been transformational for my team. The focus on individual contributions rather than tools and processes has been instrumental in allowing us to meet the needs of the customer.
Nancee Hoffmann, MBA, PMP: (Parkland Health & Hospital System) In a nutshell . . . I totally concur with the Manifesto!
Michael Heil: (it-Plan Gmbh & Co.KG)
Ric Hill: (Softwire) At Softwire we value the principles of the Agile Manifesto, and have firmly embedded them in our organisation. We don't prescribe directly to any rigid methodology, but instead listen, learn and adapt to our past experience and specific project environments to ensure we're always changing for the better.
Matt Nicholas : (PwC) As a seasoned business analyst, I fully support the Agile Manifesto, its twelve fundamental principles and the guiding spirit behind it.
Joshua Bates: (Scizmic Science) Better later than never.
SANTA PRIYA SAHOO: I completely support the agile methodology, which helps us in many ways starting for a very high self motivation to implement your software very effectively. This helps collaborate much more effectively than any other such methods. The facility to adapt the requirement changes is the most key factor which not only helps in customer flexibility but also helps in minimizing the project risk. It’s a very effective way to work together and achieve success in all aspect of software development. I support agile!
Satyam Vemula: (Wells Fargo Bank)
James Carman.
Omer Katz.
Leandro de Góis.
Oeta Kumara: ( Even before I knew about working the agile way, I always felt that this is the natural way to produce software. Makes one wonder we didn't work like this from the beginning...
Micah A. Rousey: As a developer for 15 years, I can say the tenets of the Agile Manifesto are best practices in Software Development. I'm happy to see it put in such succinct words.
Ben Golden: (UnionPariah) Better developers are happier developers, thanks Agile.
Nuka Shrinivas Rao: (McAfee) Agile shows tangible results at each incremental FC release, each incremental release is near to release code, so its an excellent proccess which helps software firms release quality software with reduced cost. hats off!!!
Vishwajit Girdhari: (Teknotika Solutions) I support the agile manifesto and implement it in my projects.
Philippe Passault: (Aquitem)
Kurt Roberts: (RP3 Agency)
Melinda Parks: (The PARKS Law Group) Software development is difficult and I don't pretend to know very much about it. However, I believe what you're doing will make the end user a much better end user. Teamwork and collaboration in any project can only result in a better product. I hope this idea spreads like wildfire!
Fabricio Nogueira Buzeto: (
Ballardini Enrico: After years of Waterfall SW development, I think we are good enough to evolve.
Benjamin Rodriguez Leyva: (ADOSAPACO)
Marc: (Marc J. Soss, Esq.) Outstanding.
Jody W. Green: Having seen the effects of Agile adoption in the workplace I fully endorse and support its principles. I strive to better myself as an Agile developer and manager and will provide the tools and training necessary to foster this methodology in my team members and business partners.
Pablo Aviles: (
egor: (Futurica company)
Eduardo Marcel Maçan: (
Stephen Vasilevsky.

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