Independent Signatories of
The Manifesto for Agile Software Development

We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value:
  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan

That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.


Signatures Received: 18 Sep to 29 Sep 2013
Khachik Nazaryan: (
Carlos Romero: (BCP) Siempre ha sido la forma que nuestra naturaleza nos decía que debía ser.
Dr. Oliver Strebel: The agile software manifesto is a timeless gem in software development. Knowing and living the manifesto as well as the principles behind enables poeple to deliver better software in shorter time. Moreover this makes software development an enjoyable profession.
Joseph Nallas: Thank you for this manifesto.
Emilian Manolache: (Globacide Solutions)
giulio isernia.
Bradford Ludes: (PPD)
Aldo Ziflaj: (Indie)
Adrian Schmid: Don't do Agile, be Agile!
Ernie Ji: (Samsung Electronics) I support the Agile Manifesto!
David Ricardo do Vale Pereira.
Thomas Obermayer.
Peter Beňo: (
Regan Gill: I believe fully in these principles and use them in daily decision making
Christian Marini: (Informatica Alto Adige SpA)
Syed Shah: (Swivel Secure) I support the Agile Manifesto. I believe by working together as a team, discussing, sharing and prototyping ideas, we will become a more agile development team. I feel strongly about sharing the development process with business and sales teams and more importantly the clients. I understand that requirements will change as the prototyping of software generates new and improved understanding of the requirements, then it's understandable that changes will be expected and welcomed.
Christopher Sauls: I have worked in the software industry for many years. I find the Agile way of developing and delivering software is the best possible way to deliver quality software products. While it may not be the only way it is the only way in my opinion to keep large to small organizations on track and keep the accountability placed on the entire team. The teams I have worked on that adopted the Agile way of thinking, working, and managing felt empowered and equipped to deal with the ever changing world we live in today.
Hugo Sousa: (Edge Innovation)
Federico Varchavsky: Agile is making a better world every day! Person by person, we help in making a better and more pleasant world to live in. Thanks for the inspiration guys!
Demián Gutierrez: (
Balaji Venkatesan: (Nudg Labs)
G. D. L. Isuru Sampath: I have always believed in practical approaches to engineering where interactions and trust nurture teamwork. It is my sincere belief that, among many other features including (but not limited to) the transparency, honesty and room for continuous improvement offered by Agile methodologies are the only successful method of catering to the ever changing complex customer needs.
Mike Dias: ( Currently the best way to build software!
Amr Medhat: Agile methodologies are the best to boost creativity and innovation in a professional setup.
simon: ( really i am with us. Union do strong. I support the human values that this manifest embodies. This is the key for a great century.
Anden Lin: The manifesto and principle is quite a truth! This is my thought after I have been working along with agile for several years and have a time to look back on the manifesto and principles. What I am experiencing can be totally predicted by the agile manifesto and principles. I endorse.
Jason Vasquez: I support the Agile Manifesto!
Shaleen Tongia: (Indecomm Global Services)
Andreas Eisner: (MS ITS) The Agile Manifesto articulates best our respond to our client's requests. We as organization have to deliver agile solutions and architectures with agile behaviors in these areas where our business has to be differenciated from our competitors. These solutions, as well as our behaviors, should reflect the spirit of the Agile Manifesto.
Andrea Colanicchia.
Christian Desideris Veron: (CA Technologies) I do Support the Agile Manifesto and I even claim that we should really open our mind, since agile methodologies do not only work for IT Software Development but to any Organization that it´s in continual pursuit of Continuous Improvement, reduce rework in processes and be constantly innovating in products and even services, optimizing communications, customer involvement places where they want to be flexible to the constant reality of business and most important the HUMAN changing demands.
Patricia Diaz: (Musintec)
Federico Varchavsky: Agile is making a better world every day! Person by person, we help in making a better and more pleasant world to live in. Thanks for the inspiration guys!
K. Rhianna Sulock: I believe in the power of people over tools. I believe in the transformative nature of technology. I embrace collaboration and believe strongly in personal accountability. Being agile allows us to embrace change and change enables us to remain agile.
Jan Fischbach: (Common Sense Team,
Joey Allen.
Cesar J Polanco: I fully support Agile Manifesto and its principles. Agile mindset shift is the key to success. Agile is the best way for software development and project management.
Shashi Mathew: ( I endorse the agile manifesto. I have used it extensively in my own career and plan to continue doing so.
Ing. Antonio Marino, PMP, PMI-ACP: (ACT Point) I really believe agile values can help to build innovative products and services due to their poor initial knowledge. Furthermore, as project management consultant/trainer/coach and project manager, I often find these values more applicable than others into companies where other approaches/values are generally recognized as well.
Pablo Ibarrolaza.
Jeffrey Paul Cotrupe: (MarketPOWER+) Agile development is my preferred methodology. The only caveat I would extend to my fellow product professionals is around one of the 12 Principles of the Agile Manifesto: "Welcome changing requirements, even late in development." I am the one of the most flexible, repair-the-airplane-wing-while-in-flight professionals (and people) you will ever meet. Yet I have also seen rampant late changes cripple development processes and lead to what some have termed "creeping elegance": so consumed with continuing to try to improve the software, in response to changing requirements, that the product never ships. As long as changing requirements do not push back releases inordinately--and please note that "inordinately" can be determined differently in varying situations tailored to the needs of those you are releasing to, and for--I fully support them (in a broad-based, principled way) and will never fail to do my utmost to implement them. This is at least partly because, as I have told my colleagues more than once over the years: "Hate me if you must, because I come bearing requests for beneficial changes that require additional effort...but in reality, you are saying you hate the marketplace. Until you can somehow compel the surrounding universe to give us money in exchange for products built in our own comfortable, external-change-free vacuum, the marketplace (of products, and of ideas) is where we must compete."
Nico Andrew Glas: (Silica Interactive)
Oscar Julian Arcila Padilla: (GCS Consulting) El método ágil de desarrollo permite darnos cuenta en que centrarnos para la culminación de un proyecto para centrarnos en su núcleo, sin dejar de lado lo lateral. No es hacerlo si no el cómo hacerlo para llegar a un objetivo el cuál es entregar software de calidad con los costos planeados en el tiempo estimado.
Vladimir Djurica: As a project leader I believe in collaboration, cultivation of desired company culture and servant leadership. I believe that this is supportive and compatible with the agile manifesto principles.
Sean O'Toole: (Agile Katas) Agile is bringing software development into the 21st century and we need to do what we can to make the transition as painless as possible.
Jonathan Burr: (Intelesant Ltd) I endorse this because I have tried it and it works.
Mark Holtermann: I have been on all ends of the spectrum with app dev, having started with no formal training or methodologies and developing apps iteratively (before I heard the term) to being exposed to monolithic ERP implementations and their methodologies to formal PMO and CMMI based structures to RAD, RUP, and, finally, introduced to Agile - various flavors. It is all about what makes sense for the desired solution and the practical application of tools and methods to get there. Agile provides the tools and gets working product in the end users hands faster, so it can be improved, and implemented in rapid succession - what everyone expects in our ever evolving digital planet. Thanks to the pioneers.
manon: (Villa Atchara Phuket Patong) 5 years of using agile it is perfect
Youri Ackx: (ackx dot net)

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