Independent Signatories of
The Manifesto for Agile Software Development

We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value:
  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan

That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.


Signatures Received: 21 Aug to 31 Aug 2014
Christian Sanabria: (Tecnologico de Costa Rica) Really helps and accelerates development, "agile" is hard to introduce to project members used to "traditional" methodologies
Mark Rall: (REA Group)
Tom Morrissey: (Symantec Corporation) Agile, iterative, tomato, tamahto... these are practices in building software I've used for many years. It's great to see the Manifesto "formalize" this for sharing with all. I'm in!
Haneef Sheikh: ( Individuals and Interactions is the key. While it is important to guide teams to more robust process, it is even more important to not bottleneck the system with excessive process.
Celso Lara de Souza: (Benner Solution) Processos bem escritos e ferramentas de trabalho são necessárias para a desenvolvimento de software, no entanto a é essencial o relacionamento e as interações de pessoas para que realmente o desenvolvimento se torne ágil. O funcionamento do software é mais importante do que uma documentação compreensiva e abrangente. Contratos estabelecidos com o cliente com regras claras de relacionamento são necessários ao bom andamento do negócio, no entanto ter um canal aberto para a colaboração dos clientes é essencial. Ter um plano de projeto e segui-lo é necessário para o controle das atividades mas a essencia do gerenciamento de projetos ben sucedidos é a capacidade de responder rapidamente às mudanças.
Christophe Stern: (Digital Sapiens)
Meltem Gökkaya Sönmez: Thank you for creating this community. I am very glad this group will give me the opportunity to communicate and participate. I support the Agile Manifesto. I think Agile is the future...
Christophe Stern: (Digital Sapiens)
Charles Bair: (Lapine Group)
Mathi Ezhil Arasu: (Clear Steps)
Daniel Bruns.
Omar Bermudez: ( I full agree with this manifesto. It helps to get high quality software faster.
Mike Kong.
Nick Jones: (Agiloak) Agile really is the only way to work if you want to create quality solutions that deliver true benefit to your organization.
Vinod Sreepad.
Martin Gjoshevski.
Jules Ivanic: (http://
Anderson Sanches: (Extremo Desenvolvimento)
Mark Jackson: Fostering Trust, Respect and Openness within teams can result in Emergence. Being a member of an emergent team is one of the most exciting experiences in my professional life.
Muhammad Ali Khan.
Hendrik Ebbers: (Canoo)
Luís Gabriel Nascimento Simas: ( Be in the company where I work or in my private projects, I point and show the advantages of agile development in all aspects
Pedro Endruweit.
Bill Fulbright: (QA 2100 Testing) This is the new way. The old and static way will fall away.
Martin White: (Equinox IT) I agree with the values of this manifesto, and express my support for practices which realise it.
Federico Bucchi: (
Ben Park: (Modus Operandi) As a trained and certified Agile Scrum Master, I have applied the principles of the Agile Software Development Manifesto and have seen them succeed. As an Agile Scrum Coach, I have taught the principles of the Agile Software Development Manifesto and seen teams run with the culture created to a very high success level.
Abhi Gupta: (GoDaddy)
Arun Pandey: I have been using the Agile Scrum framework and like it at most.
Rajendrakumar Patil: (Tech Mahindra Ltd)
Marek Kłonowski.
Vimal: It is Collaborative, Capable to Manage Change, Hand-In-Hand development, Has Human Values. It is Inclusive, No customer, No management team and No developers team. Unity gives spectacular results
Benoît Darroux: I support the Agile Manifesto.
Rodrigo Zambon: (Rodrigo Zambon) I believe Agile can make a difference not only in IT, but any organization through motivation and self-managed teams.
Milindu Sanoj Kumarage: (
Alisson R S Prestes.
Zach Bonaker: Accepting input from reality and responding to it, always, in all facets of my life!
Krzysztof Niewiński.
Cort Coghill .
Rameshwar Kanmane.
Scott Speidel.
Diane Blaschko: (MAXIMUS) Our software was originally developed in DOS and then moved through the decades into Windows and finally to .net. Our software lasted because it made sense and we valued the key users and the processes that they needed to complete. Having software that worked is more important than filling out forms, dashboards and standup meetings. We always do what makes sense and not always what the method would dictate. It works for us.
Andrea L Rex: (eScience Labs) Agile development has changed not only the way we develop content, but also the way we relate to one another and harness each others' strengths. We are strong supporters of the Agile Manifesto!
Jardindedetalles: (Jardín de Detalles y Eventos)
Vincent Daviet: ( Agile evangelist and practitioner since 2009, I'm an agile native. :) I used to organize events and lead regional interest community around Lyon, France. After being Product Owner, Scrum Master, Developper, and now Coach I always keep in mind the values AND principles of the manifesto to lead my choices. It simply sticks to my personal values.
Tabrez Ahmed.
Harrison: (Teachworks)
Stéphane Bagnier: (
André Vinicius Gouvêa Monteiro: (Petrobras) I support the Agile Manifesto! It's the best initiative that I've ever seen!

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