Independent Signatories of
The Manifesto for Agile Software Development

We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value:
  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan

That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.


Signatures Received: 29 Aug to 04 Sep 2015
Mark de Bont: (TMC)
Wasith Theerapattrathamrong.
Kevin Murphy: Extreme Programming is the logical methodology for delivering functionality to business users.
Rick Smoke: (University of Michigan) Transparency of the development cycle from the beginning, between the customer and the able development team, will generate a better product.
Duncan Neal: I feel strongly in the Agile Manifesto. I have found it produces better results and makes the journey a more positive experience for all parties involved.
Obinna Odumodu: (Healthcare IT (Johns Hopkins)) I have been agile before and after the manifesto. I am deeply appreciative of the efforts that the authors put into creating and conveying such an elegant concept/mindset. I, Obinna Odumodu, pledge to abide by the values and principles noted in the Agile Manifesto.
Fernando Costa de Almeida.
Laurence S Hewitt.
Flor Jimenez: (Tecnológico de Monterrey) i agree
John Zolck: (Lam Research)
Greg McGuirk.
Martin Pasgaard: (BRFkredit a/s)
Juan Manuel Torróntegui Puentes: (Soluciones Tecnológicas Verticales SC)
Gavin Singh: (Project Manager) These principals can be applied not only to software but to life ... keep learning and growing.
Breno Duque Estrada Queirós.
Jens Krayenborg.
Tiburcio Ramos dos Santos Junior: (Spirit Serviços TI)) I do!
Christopher Henry: (CustomPathIDX) Agile... love it.
Kedar Sovani.
Luis Raúl Arriola López: (ITESM) This manifesto will be reflected in every line of code i write.
Suresh Payankannur: This is a great movement that revolutionized the software development process, delivering value to the customers in an ever changing world. As a practitioner and learner of this great process, I fully agree with all the principles of the manifesto.
Yosri El Hawary: (LeasePlan Direct)
Christie Coks .
Ilan Kirschenbaum: (Practical Agile)
Fredy Rincon: Using Agile methodology has increased our client satisfaction as well as the team skills has improved. - Team work - Team responsibility - Team management and timing skill
Aurelio Akira M. Matsui.
Jitendra Tiwari.
Armando Minjares: I support the agile manifesto
Alex Pfalzgraf.
Sheshadri Shekhar: Agile has made a difference to me - both in personal and professional aspects of my life. The best part of it has been the strength of the manifesto (simple enough but no simpler). When in doubt, I have always found answers within the framework of the manifesto and the principles.
Vahid Bazzaz.
Girish Kumar Sharma: (Dotsquares) Agile and it's principals are divine specially for software Industry where technology change frequently and quality sustain is essentials. So these principals are key of happy coding, happy clients and booming business.
Man Math: (Web Essentials) It is a great working process that allow people to be more freedom on self-organizing and team collaboration. It is a mindset to help people to find a better to complete the tasks and deliver high quality product.
Berend Dijk: (Madrelingua) I endorse Agile Software Development as the best way to develop software. I also endorse the Agile Manifesto as the best way to explain what Agile Software Development entails.
Yaël Mendes: (1977) The Target is.. "Working software is the primary measure of progress" The way is... "Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done"
Donald Belmore: (Blue Jeans Tech)
Aaron Price: As a Scrum Master, I have seen the Agile philosophy and tenets transform multiple organizations for the better.
Guillaume GILLET.
Nezih H. COKLU: (BPOS Automation Systems Ltd.) Thanks a lot. Our whole business life completely says the same result with yours :)
Silvia Linda Jardines Sabino: (Advantech Solutions)
Sean Mackey: Agile helps you know what to value, deliver, and expect when change happens.
Ian Black: The Agile methodology is the most value directed method to delivering effective solutions to both the end user and the organizations they support. I recommend no other to my clients.
Mohammed Derbashi.
Uwe Möller: Auch für die Werte und Prinzipien des Agilen Manifests gilt es, sich ihrer zu erinnern, sie sich täglich aufs neue zu erarbeiten, sie zu verinnerlichen und sie bewusst zu leben! - Also for the values and principles of the Agile Manifesto it is important to remember them, to work on them new every day and to internalize and live they consciously!
ahmet kocadoğan: Manifestoya katılıyorum.
Tiju Titus John: (Polycom) Practicing agile methodologies for last 9 years. It changed my mindset towards software Development
Iain Campbell.
Damian Donato.
Marcelo Challu: Agile manifesto is the best way to develop quality e innovative software products in our highly interconnected and changed environment.
Daniel LaSalle.

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