Independent Signatories of
The Manifesto for Agile Software Development

We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value:
  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan

That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.


Signatures Received: 04 May to 13 May 2011
Patrick Lanters: (Profict)
Tim Adams: (Evoloop Communication) We discovered that by placing priority on business goals rather than extensively predefined - and often short-sighted - technical development paths, we're not only getting better products, but we also spend the time more effectively. What I love most is the collaborative spirit and full commitment of the entire team (client included :-).
David Joseph Stith: (
Michael Rosa.
Stewart Arbuckle: (Vivienne Westwood) Agile is a great system and once you use it there is no way you will go back. It has made a great difference to me and I really believe in the core principles of the Agile manifesto.
Mazda Hewitt: (UBS)
Henry Fiallo: (IPC) How can anyone argue with wanting to be agile? This has to become a way of life. Good stuff!
Roberto Guandique: (RealTech International, Inc.) Agile is a more effective and efficient approach for software development, because it is more inclusive of the factors that play out in the process cycles.
Douglas T. Kister: (DRC) DRC is proud to support Agile development methodologies in support of the eCCS programs. The Agile manifesto provides a clear path to a development environment that will produce consistently correct results in a timely manner with complete customer and management buy in.
Christoph Pater.
Tchambo Frantz.
Pascal Fares: (OSLM) The agile concept is optimal for open source and emergent market... WE at Open Source Lebanese Movement fully adhere to the Agile Manifesto.
Eloy: (Agilments)
Craig Kemple.
Ryan Kulla: (
Lynn Taylor: (Synsas) I support the Agile Manifesto! As new and improved ways of developing software are discovered, whether it be over time or simply over the course of a project, we need to be willing to adapt and change to incorporate those discoveries. The definition of Agile Software Development needs to be as agile as the philosophy itself.
Mike Vitale: (Mavelous Web Design) I have been Test Infected since I first read about the concept a few years after college. While not always able to work in a conducive environment, I have been advocating for use of Agile Methodologies for years. In working with enhancing my clients' products, I always approach our common problems in a collaborative manner, with quick iterations leading to software that does its job. I believe that moving away from the common top-down Command structure of the typical workplace and creating an empowered team, and indeed, an entire empowered organization will lead to great gains in both productivity and customer satisfaction -- whether the customer is internal or external.
Lukas Vedral: (Luneos) Agile helps us to work projects in a correct way. Thank you!
Judyll Mark T. Agan.
Tamer Madi: (University Utara Malaysia)
Mukesh Warrier: (walkingants Technologies) Change is acceptable.....
arun singh.
Srinivas Kusunam: (Liberty Leap Technologies)
Mohammed Al-Ayouti.
Justine Bailey: (Mendix) We support and abide by the agile manifesto by promoting agile software development via our Mendix Agile Business Platform.
Rodrigo Luiz Oliveira: (FINNET)
Steve Pierce: (Q Media)
Shakir Zuberi: (Project-Management Int'l., LLC) Revolutionary concept, very applicable in today's business environment where the enterprises are changing focus to value creation on projects.
Willard Lemons: Working as a collaborative team with the customer always involve can and will produce products faster and better.
Scott Bowen: (VMC Consulting) Agile is the way to develop a product that best meets your customers' expectations, while empowering and motivating talented people.
Cleber Souza: (
Sean McQuilling.
Daniel Eder: (
Matthew Smart.
Fábio Nogueira de Lucena: (UFG)
Genady Berman: (
Marcelo Rios: (SeClick - Web que Funciona)
Oscar: (Soluciones Aplicativas)
David Anderson Lino de Sousa.
Abraham B. Dijkema: (BRDI Result BV)
Jose Benzan: (Tecnologia Integral del Caribe) Apoyo y utilizo el método de desarrollo Agil viendo que es una metodología que me ha dado tremendos resultados personales y al equipo
Eric Thelin.
Alexandra Brusyanskaya.
hossein khalaj.
Andrej Farkas.
Klaus Stake: (Proemion GmbH) Adapting agile principles and implementing the agile manifesto as the base layer for our software development processes greatly improved the value of all our deliveries. Work and life became much more enjoyable.
Marco Romano: (AirTelco Srl)
Mohsen Faridmehr: ( Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software.

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