Independent Signatories of
The Manifesto for Agile Software Development

We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value:
  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan

That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.


Signatures Received: 07 Jun to 20 Jun 2012
Miruna : (Apartamente Cluj) I support your manifesto.
Stijn Haezebrouck: (Cegeka)
Rohit Sood: I personally endorse the agile manifesto, and have personally followed these principles on projects that have had success. Conversely I have observed very large projects fail, when these principles were not followed.
michael köster: (
Linda P. Dowdell.
Graham Lewis.
Santiago Traversa: I completely support the Agile Manifesto!
Gilles Zimmermann: ( The agile manifesto describes my feelings of good software development guidelines with all my heart and I believe that it is the key to great software and an efficient project environment.
Kevin Ogunsua: (Capital One)
Ananth Ganapathiraman: (HP Enterprise Services Limited) A tormented Testing Manager who has wholeheartedly shed the ranks of a quality gate keeper to a more collaborative, customer focused, goal oriented spirit thanks to Agile Thinking. Though I must admit that organizations must very quickly move away from "adopt this to create a factory" thinking to a continuously evolving, problem solving culture to consistently benefit from agile.
Ilshat Fattakhov: (Freelancer at Elance)
Drago Bratko: (Softwise d.o.o. Croatia) Do better software by listening and accepting end user needs.
Brian Mason.
Howard Lester: "Fully endorse the Agile Manifesto given my own experiences."
Prem Mariappan: (Vitesse Web Design) Adopting Agile has enabled our small and dynamic team to remain in control as we scale and adapt to meet our customers' changing requirements as we handle multiple projects in parallel.
Ellis Herbert.
Angad Chowdhry: (SPHINX) The principles here are going to explode out of software and guide all client-vendor partnerships in the future.
Leonardo Barros: (Framework System) Agile software development - because software development is working with people, not working with resources. We recommend.
Samuel Martins Delfim: (Framework System) I really support agily manifest. We always use it for our systems.
Jim Mandarakas: (Geranos Solutions Inc.) I support the Agile Manifesto as it is the most effective and intuitive way of performing software development. It's easy to internalize and simple to follow. I love it.
Bobby Singh.
Bhavesh Odedra: (Visa) Gaining value through continuous feedback, tuning the output to perfection.
Moldován Eduárd: ( Helo, I would like to sign the Agile Manifesto for two reasons: 1. My quality standards in software development are really high, 2. Extensive communication with my clients for reaching the highest client satisfaction is the most important on my checklist. Cheers, edi
Marc Price.
Vishal Khattri: (CommerceHub)
Jason Ng: (PicNet Software Development) We support the agile manifesto because it provides an approach that acknowledges the (sometimes messy) realities of software development - namely the need to mitigate risk, accommodate change, flexibility, foster buy in and demonstrate business value as early as possible.
hooman zabihi: (Apameh) by fast development you spent less money. I think each problem should be solved in the context.
Peter Grigoriev: (Movilitas Consulting AG)
malcolm Peters: I believe that continuous improvement through applying agile principles should become the default method for maintaing applications.
Muhammad Afzaal: (iLogiks) I personally fallow the agile manifesto and its principles and i can understand how helpful these principles are for the success of any project.
Edward A Vargas: (Digital Experience Analytics, Customer Solution Centers, AT&T )
Damir Babic: (Yoga Shop)
Priyank Devenraj: Spiral/Agile - killer combo
Jacques-Henri Gagnon: (Embassy of Canada in France)
Petr Stojan: (Openmatics) As PM who is responsible for software development in mobile field I see every day how AGILE methodology truly helps.
Alex Brown: (Synchronicity) Absolutely great to have the pricipals of Agile expressed in this way. Very useful to help organisations adopting Agile to understand the purpose and drivers.
David Kincaid.
Dr. Tilmann Bubeck: (reinform AG)
Adrian Carr: ( Companies can ignore these principles at their own peril. For companies, it can mean more money saved or earned. For the workers, it's a better environment. For customers, better software faster. A win-win-win.
George Mamaladze: ( Understanding values and following principles of agile manifesto is a key to survival and success in the very dynamic modern world of sowftware development.
Curtis Yanko: (Cigna)
Chris Dewhurst.
Josh Greifer: (Aleph Ltd)
Necdet N. Inkaya: (NTInteractive)
John Halberstadt: ( I fully support the philosophies behind the Agile Manifesto, including the over-arching belief that autonomous teams, working collaboratively on a common vision, can deliver unparalleled results.
Rafael Valério: (Webgoal)
Ajeesh Chandran: (Speridian Technologies)
Anatoli Sanko: (EPAM Systems)

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