Independent Signatories of
The Manifesto for Agile Software Development

We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value:
  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan

That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.


Signatures Received: 18 Jul to 17 Aug 2003
Raghu Havaldar.
Andrew Larson.
Shravan Bharathulwar: (Techspan)
Rolf Kulemann: Maybe this alliance is able to influence the use of modern software development techniques like eXtreme programming based on testing, refactoring, pairprogramming and frequently integration (etc.) in a way, that people are not only talking about those techniques, but also use them in real life projects.
Evan Wies.
Santhosh Nair: (New G System Inc.) New G System in an IT System Integration and Software Development company with HQ in Singapore. We are focusing on implanting portal solutions for knowledge and relationship management. The vertical industry segments we focus are the Telecommunication and Travel & Tourism. In a world where the only constant is change, our success greatly depends on such people centered development and implementation practices. Therefore, we practice and promote the Agile Alliances principles. We are also committed to equipping our clients to do the same!
Thomas Moedl: (DialogData) This manifesto sounds like the very best I experienced within 15 years of software implementation, design, teaching and applying methodologies. Unfortunately, in nowadays working environment, simplicity frequently tends to slip away somewhere in between defining processes and responsibilities. Thank you so much for this statement.
Kev Roberts: You know it makes sense...
Ragnarok Rocha: (Ingram Micro Brazil)
Gamaka Perera: (Virtusa) Easier said than done, isnt it. Applying these is a daily strugle. Hope to win it one day
Charles Lockhart Brooks: ( We must fight for our rights to tinker, to innovate, to improve upon previous work, and to advance the state of our art by "standing on the shoulders of giants".
Jerry Andrews: (JRAndrews Consulting)
Wayne Hulehan: (Washington Knowlege LLC)
David S Geving.
Regee K Chacko: I am a software professionel beleiving that things ought to be done differently to make satisfied customers
Michael Askew: (Raytheon IIS)
Kenneth von Rausch: (Workingmouse)
Naveed Baqir: (National University of Sciences and Technology)
Mike Griffiths: (Quadrus Development Inc) Quadrus supports the agile manifesto principles and employs agile methods to deliver exceptional customer value by focusing smart people on the real business priorities.
Ben Arledge: (Monkeon Inc.)
Michael Rutherford.
Gaspar Chilingarov.
Fred Kreuse.
Avinash Bhambhani: (Odyssey Ways) A large software project can be planned in details from the inception and documented, before the actual project starts, is a perfect misconception - if as a software company our interest is to provide solutions that strategically benefit the client organization and provide a true return on investment into software. I sincerely support the Agile Manifesto and recognize the fact that our intentions as software vendors have to be to partner with clients and provide continual solutions that change the way they do business today and realize the strategic benefits of technology to suit to their specific culture, competencies and agile environment.
mohammed qattan: to tell the truth i didnt use any agile methodology but i think that we suffered enough from RUP and i found many solutions for the problems we had with the last project i would like to thank you all for your thoughts and ideas and efforts in making the software development a real thing and not a myth
Andrew Medvedev: (Software Development)
Damiano Altomare: When I as university student, studied Software Engineering, I felt something didnt't work; When I was on job, working on real projects, many Software Engineering best prcatices simply didn't apply, moreover I recognized most of my successes were due to to the skills acquired on the programming field, and that programming was a central activity in the software development.
Joel A. Adams: (Devon Consulting)
Elio Landra: (Elio Landra & Associati Sas)
Roy Sutcliffe: (Telelogic UK Limited)
Ed Addario: (IFS North America, Inc.)
Willy Farrell.
David Berube: (Berube Consulting)
Matt Stine: (
Christian Sepulveda: ( Agile Software Development is based on tried, successful methods and experience, rather than a theoretical framework. It is adaptive and pragmatic, improvisational and effective. Simply stated, it just works.
Udayan Banerjee: (NIIT Ltd.) I have been developing software for last 26 years. I find that I have always followed the agile principle.
Attila Rist: I've seen too many mismanaged projects that could only be rescued by agile programming.
Ivana Marzura: (J.D. Edwards) The Agile Manifesto reminds us of what we are trying to do - work together to build great software that meets the customer need in an appropriate timeframe.
Clive Elsworth: (Endorphin Software Ltd.) I totally support your way of doing things. It's how I've been doing it, albeit on my own, for years. It's good to see people working on turning it into a recognised discipline.
Tauasa Timoteo: I, and the developers I work with, are committed to and focused on goal-oriented, customer-centric software development. This manifesto summarizes the principles that we hold dear.
Steve Polyak: (Pearson, Inc.) Agile is working for Pearson Educational Measurement!
Vijay Tanikella: (Icode) I followed this Agile Software Development methods and found good output out of that. I adhered to 1. "Individuals and interactions" and 2. "Customer collaboration" mostly than the other two principles.
Diego C�nepa: (AdventurerLand Entertainment)
Harihara Subramaniain: (iSOFT Research and Development) I extend my fullest support to the Agile Manifesto.
Holly Sylvester: It's common sense
Jean Vaillancourt: (Agrafe Studio) We think we can develop software and have fun doing it. We started our company with this goal and we've chosen to practice Agile principles because I'm convinced this is the best way to do it.
Rick Obsitnik: (Northrop Grumman Information Technologies, TASC)
Lori Olson: (Java Dragon Inc) The processes should not define the team. The team should define the processes.
Michael Bard: Phd student at LSU and working quality assurance tech.
Jason McGeachie.

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