Independent Signatories of
The Manifesto for Agile Software Development

We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value:
  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan

That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.


Signatures Received: 15 Nov to 08 Dec 2004
Amit Dalvi: (Synygy Inc.) Great thoughts! Would be keen to see how they work in enterprise projects.
Steven Schwell: (Bloomberg LP)
Sergio Bonato.
Johannes Dieterich: (sd&m AG)
Prashant Kumar: Had good taste of RUP, and feeling excited about using SCRUM/XP in my coming projects. Sometime back everybody was talking about PROCESSES and better PROCESSES(core aspect in CMM)..but Agile depends upon PEOPLE! May be after some time we move ahead to find another avenue for better PRODUCTIVITY!
Peter Valtersson.
Jérôme Layat: ( Spreading agile software development among my clients for about 3 years now... Altough it's sometimes difficult to convince some, I'm surely not going to stop today ;)
ziggler: (
Stéphane Tavera: ( Iteration #0 : throw away the poster from the e-something company ;-)
Paula Rust: (Progressive Insurance) Agile is a growing reality at Progressive Insurance. As a Project Manager, I would like to be kept in the loop of Agile information and updates.
Ahmad Lotfy Gomaa: (Integration Engineering Bureau LTD)
Alex Ostrovsky: (Trace Mojo Systems Corp.) Go agile or go home.
Ahmad Lotfy Gomaa: (Integration Engineering Bureau LTD)
leyon: I Support the Agile Manifesto!
Gustaf Brandberg: (Citerus AB) The more I study and practice the agile principles, the more I realize how powerful they are.
Sanjeevi.A: I find the manifesto more meaningful in real life situations to meet the challenges and also satisfy customer needs!
Omer Muzaffar.
Vinh Phuc Dinh: After the very first xp days in Germany, I now also want to be part of the movement to a better world.
Thomas Myer: (Triple Dog Dare Media) The agile methodology has really worked for us. Getting past the design document is a relief--and besides, working in this way is truely a triple dog dare. :)
M'balz Es-hari: can't wait to shave down development time!
Sudhindra Rao: (ThoughtWorks Inc)
Nynke Etk Fokma: (Moebius)
Scokart Gilles.
David Dexter: (Technology through Broken Parts)
Shlomi: (ECI telecomunication Israel)
Dave McMunn: (Digital Focus)
Philippe Damerval: (State of Alaska) I wholly embrace the common sense behind these resolutions and in particular the continuous delivery, user collaboration approach which is the best way to both manage customer expectations and motivate development at the same time. I like the recognition of the importance of documentation and planning, while I appreciate the awareness of the limits of these concepts in and of themselves. This has been my trend and hope for years as a software development professional, and I am gratified to find it adopted and promoted at such high level, by a team of people whom I look up to.
Eduardo Marquez: I have been delivering solutions for over 25 years in different capacities--developer, analyst, SQA Manager, Project Manager, Software Development Manager and user--while trying different methodologies and with different rigor in project management. With all this experience I can say that Agile Software Development summarizes what the majority of us in the software industry knows and wish to do. It is all about delivering working useful solutions to our clients, what a concept! I gladly sign the Agile Manifest.
Paul Sinnema: ( I've been an IT Person since 1970 and still am. Only 2 years ago got into Agile. Haven't been able to do a lot in current projects but still believe Agile to be much better then the way I've been doing things. Trying to convince people has become one of my prime goals but it's not easy, especially in those environments where there's a lot of management relying on old phylosophies and a lot of money is involved!
Andre Gusmao: (CASTMETA Informatica) My company in Brazil deals with teh same problems on a daily basis: changing requirements, non-working software, unsatisfied customers, unprofitable projects and so on. To only way to we have found to resolve this issues is exctaly the principles of the Agile Manifesto. Count me in to spread the word in Brazil.
Satyadarshi Mishra: (ThoughtWorks) Agile techniques are specific to Software development and that's why they make more sense. These practices are not are adopted from other industries like construction and therefore are more effective.
Ghent Lim: (University of Windsor) Go Agilefactor!
Teoman Delov: (D.E.Ü.) I absolutely agree to this manefesto!
Vladimir Levin: (Wireless Matrix) Agile development is not about cobbling software together willy nilly. On the contrary, agile development is about professionalism and discipline. But it is also about being practical, common sense, and getting real results.
Jeb Himsl: (RxAmerica)
Claudia Pozo: (Burger King Corporation) everything this manifesto stands for helps your IT team build better working relationships with the business creating a flexible environment for the users where they feel like they are getting what they need!!!! Working as a team and doing away with many of the processes, tools, and documentation required today to develop applications makes your IT Team more productive and creates a better environment to work in. Claudia
Richard J. Watt: (ThoughtWorks)
G. Ashok Kumar.
Rik Fischer Smoody: (smOOdynamics) Choir practice is fun, but there's still a huge amount of converting to do. I suspect that the revolution will happen by evolutionary processes: as individuals leave and are replaced by more enlightended young'uns. Would that we could speed it up, but too many people won't learn new tricks nor adopt new philosophies.
Mark Carter: (Dow Chemical) I find it amazing how IT keeps searching for "the answer." The Agile Manifesto simply makes it clear: listening, managing change, managing action, and managing feedback are central to being responsive(or agile if you prefer). Well done.
Erik Ableson.
jai pradeep: (Patni) I am supporting AGILE because i feel that a lot of time is wasted in the so called Six Sigma processes and if we could save our time and use it for adding value to the product. I feel that approximately, 20 percent of the time is wasted in documentation and another 20 percent wasted in reading documents. It would be better if someone could just show for 5 mins that this is what to be done instead of reading the document for some 8 hrs and yet not understanding it. The worst thing is trying to read the whole functionality before doing anything. Its hard for a person to understand the full functionality and from my experience, i found that its a waste of time to read the docs and all i learn is by doing it, right or wrong. when there are too many documents and too many places where they are found, its very easy for anyone to get lost in the maze of the knowledge documents just as anyone trying to search a topic on the web would get lost.
Kevlin Henney: (Curbralan)
Peter Svensson.
Nicolas Gosselin: Just regretting not having signed this one before! ;-)
Ellen Salisbury: (Yahoo!)
Mark Finley: (finley information Systems inc.) What can I say that hasn't been said better?
Loganathan Parthipan: (Virtusa)
Ahmet Urel.
Johan Witters.

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