Independent Signatories of
The Manifesto for Agile Software Development

We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value:
  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan

That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.


Signatures Received: 28 Jun to 17 Jul 2006
Danilo Toshiaki Sato: ( I'm a brazilian supporter of the Agile Manifesto.
Aaron Stover: (The Boeing Company) Myself and a small group are working hard to bring these ideas to software engineering in the defense industry. I know we're not alone, but sometimes it feels like it!
John Bennis: (MGA Systems, Inc.) Great concept, story of my life. Thanks,
Piergiorgio Grossi: (
Karl W. Chester Jr.: (LP Consulting)
Kyle Reed: (ARCap REIT, Inc.)
Jean-Claude Manoli.
Michael Stogner: (Unitas Consulting)
Sanjay Minni: (Planage) Having developed large business applications for over 20 years, I cannot agree more. Fixed Processes & Pre-decided Tools, elaborate documentation, detailed contracts (scope & terms), end-to-end planed development program really donts work in real-life and almost all effort gone into this has been a sheer waste 1. No process for development has ever been followed 2. Detailed software technical documentation could seldom be developed and never referred. Only short notes of when we found workarounds, or action sequences have been useful 3. Orders have never been referred to after receipt (60+ orders) 4. Resonse to changing scenarios (mostly change in requirements) was always extensively required had to be done regardless of any plan anyways Inspite of breaking all rules in the book the systems have been very successfully have undergone mutiple versions and only in 2 cases (out of 100) have projects been abandoned
Alfredo Pinto: (Proteo5)
Eduardo Steinhorst Damasceno: (Banco do Brasil S/A) The Agile values give back to the individual the autonomy and responsibility of sustainable software development, in a natural and humane way. The Agile Movement is a commendable effort from which we all benefit, and one that I seek to support and disseminate, both among my peers and my clients.
Jorge L Matos: ( I've used XP practices for over a year and now I can't imagine developing software any other way. Gone are the days of developing software in a silo where only a few developers have all the knowledge. Agile development is all about the team.
christian berthelsen: (fourth hospitality)
Daniel Dyson: (Contractor) I have been programming for 7 years now. The Agile Manifesto makes prefect sense to me as it reflects almost exactly the way that I was already working before I read the manifesto. I like the way it puts the customer first. Business is fundamentally based on trust and that goes both ways. Getting bogged down in tight specifications only really benefits lawyers in the long run. Well, that's my two pennies worth. Viva la change!
Tom Grimshaw: (Just For You Software)
Vagelis Monochristou: (GNOMON Informatics SA, Greece)
Shalini Modi.
Alfonso Gonzalez: (Gr Soluciones Computacionales, S.A. de C.V.) Nosotros concidimos con la Idea General del Sofware Agil.
Robert Gorlitsky.
Domenico Delle Side: A new way of thinking software
Srikanth Shreenivas: Agile manifesto is all about doing things which we always wanted to do, but could not due to already established methodologies/processes. I am from Bangalore, India and being employed in for a software services organization, I realize that we are in greater need to get agile today than we were in past. This is because of the way business is changing. In past, we saw more and more sustaining/maintenance of legacy software type of projects, and now we are seeing more of fixed-priced projects where we deliver a agreed set of functionality in a fixed amount of time. Becoming agile and cutting down on waste is the only way to do a success delivery. Agile Manifesto and principles are really what we need and will be ultimately adopted by everyone.
Adam Lane: (AgileTrack) I believe it is essential to understand that each individual has unique talents, skills, and problem solving abilities. Providing the environment where each individual is able to perform in the way he is most effective leads to quality results. To me, Agile Development means having confidence in people's expertise and professionalism to approach problems together and solve them in the best way they are capable. The Manifesto emphasizes simple values and relies on professionals to adapt and solve problems to create the best working product.
Shrikant Reddy: Agile methods have always proved to be result oriented.It achieves short term goals with speed & efficiency and infuses the practitioners with the skill of quick adaptability on the changing scenarios. Not only does it provide opportunities to the practitioners,at regular intervals,to celebrate their achievements and success ,but also ponder over the right steps to tackle problems !
Roy Britten: (NIWA)
Ali Habbak: I have always believed in similar philosophies. Thank you for making it formal.
Eric Pugh: (OpenSource Connections) Agile concepts bring back sanity into the overly complicated field of software development.
assan jallow: (university of The Gambia)
Ashok C Mohankumar: I have been a software developer for 3 years in Bangalore, India. All these years I felt that something is not right in the way we do things. I was never happy about the way things were done in the industry. At the end of 3 years, I decided to quit the software industry and then I had a chance to learn about Agile Software Development. Now that I look back, I feel that this was exactly what was missing in software development. If only my organisation would have put an end to the conventional ways and used this technique, I may not have even quit. I strongly feel that agile software development is "THE" answer to all the problems faced by the software development industry. I hope that everyone will realise this someday and implement it.
Gokce Mutlu.
Eric James Johnson: Down with the gods of process and their minions! They've enslaved the creative class with trickery, guilded cages, and phoney security. Reclaim freedom, and diginity.
Tiago Campos Simões: (OutSystems)
Sri Prabu Vontlin: (General Solutions Ltd) Making the work style as a Life Style!!!
Rui Figueiredo.
Jeff Tschida: (GDAIS) The Manifesto and its principles apply to systems engineering in general, not just to software engineering in particular. They ought to serve as the INCOSE bible!
Rajat Jain: (Quantilus, Inc.) Agile gives early results to the customers.
Ron Mombourquette: (Software Engineer) Flexibilty without learning has no value, learning without flexiblity has no purpose. Be Agile.
Kevin Bergin: (PC Solutions) (cosmobic) a great idea!
Bronson Silva: This thinking is a breath of fresh air to software development.
Pascal Linares: Make customer dreams become reality.
Michael Ticknor: (IBM Learning Systems)
Hendra Haliman.
Himath Dissanayake: (hSenid Software International) We introduced agile software development in the form of XP to our company in 2002. For the past 4 years we have reaped its benefits by delivering quality software on time consistently and meeting customer expectations. It was not easy moving from traditional approaches to agile and we faced many hurdles. It's difficult to change old habits and there have been situations where XP was not followed properly. There have been situations where difficulties in projects were attributed to the process however, upon closer examination it was evident that these were due to not following XP properly than due to a fault of XP at all. I have seen companies that have started using XP but later switched back to traditional approaches quoting it a failure of XP. However, this is due to not following XP properly. At hSenid we overcame this pitfall by introducing a metric which calculates how well each project has followed XP. Time after time we've seen a correlation between good results and a high score in this metric.
Hasan Ozgan: (netology developer community)
Jose Talusan: I give will my full support to the alliance of the agile manifesto! This is a move towards success! "Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there" More power! Peace!
Ben Bateman: (Borland)
David Crone: (AOL (UK) Ltd)
Thomas Koch: (neuland GmbH ) Büro für Informatik, Germany, Bremen
Kanwar Narendra Singh Jodha: (Second Foundation (India) Pvt. Ltd.) I have been a software quality professional for 12 years working with various MNCs in India & abroad. All these years I felt that something is not right in the way we do things. I was never happy about the way things were done in the industry. While during these years, I decided to gain more expertise into Agile Software Development. Now that I look back, I feel that this was exactly what was missing in software development. If only my organisations would have put an end to the conventional ways and used this technique, we would have been process compliant in a true sense. I strongly feel that agile software development is "THE" answer to all the problems faced by the software development industry. I hope that everyone will realise this someday (soon) and implement it.
Anandbalaji Sundararaman: (Tata Consultancy Services) TCS follows Agile Methodologies

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