Independent Signatories of
The Manifesto for Agile Software Development

We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value:
  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan

That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.


Signatures Received: 17 Jul to 31 Jul 2008
Alex Dionysian: (LRN Corporation) In my experience, the biggest threats to any software project are either never completing the project, or not building the right thing. Most heavy processes attempt to address these by heavily documenting the software to be built. The problem is, most actual users are either unable or uninterested in reading and understanding heavy documentation with nuanced implications. By better acknowledging the human element, Agile methods are the best tools I have found so far to improve the odds of success.
Tom De Raedt: (Freelance consultant) In an ever-changing world of complex business processes, the software to support this becomes more important every second. As does the required budget to realize this. In many cases, decision makers, already under budget pressure, don’t realize sufficiently that software is more complex than meets the eye. The usage of agile methods imploring the need for writing unit tests is, in addition to a seemingly already too expensive development, often considered as ‘intellectual masturbation’ of the development team. Fortunately, I feel change coming. A change that I can embrace ;)
Ahmed-Omar: (LINKdotNET) Be Agile, If you are not agile. You Diffenitly Lose alot of things. Agile Can Change your Live. A Cup of water Can be seen as - Half full OR - half Empty But either you Can see That Cup as what you need (Just enogh)
Mario Aiello: I've been working on why projects fail for the past 3 years without finding a solution to issues on communication, planning, change management, risk management, etc., which are at the core of project failure. Mi first experience with Agile methodologies was 2 years ago managing BPM Pegasystems PRPC development. All projects that I've seen completed were nothing less than succcess and the issues I was so concerned with before seem to be non isues at present. As a project manager I'm engaged to make the change to servant leadership in agile project management and support the agile philosophy because I firmly believe that it's a way to reduce failure in software development projects.
Balazs Michnay: (EPAM Systems)
PriyaSuresh: I am a research scholar interested in Agile Software Development Methodology. I would like to receive articles and new proposals regarding Agile.
David navarro: I'm living in an agile enviroment
Nikita Leonov: (CactusSoft)
Louis Martina: (PNC Bank)
Tao Li: The manifesto speaks out and reflects the ideas and principles behind many success stories of the software development industry. To present this in a formal and organized form, really helps and gives support to the people who are at front line fighting to bring success to their projects.
Zenith: (IBM) Agile provides good practices for SW Development. I would like to see it can grow to principle/theory level and contribute to Project Management body of knowledge.
Rickard Öberg: (Jayway) Agile principles are going to change the world, not only for software.
Lalit S Kathpalia: ( Agile is the way to GO!!
Daniel de Oliveira Ferreira.
Luis Fernandez: (IN2)
Brian Bozzuto: (BigVisible)
Eugene: (BelHard Group) I DO Support the Agile Manifesto!
Antony Raj: (Amity, Chennai, India.) Living with Agile
Frank Nagelmann: (InfoPlus International) While process and methodologies are good things, they should not get in the way of achieving the goal. The Agile mindset articulates and supports the intelligent, effective and productive approach to successful software development projects.
Jack Ma: I am an enthusiast of Agile.
John Domenichelli: ( The manifesto is something I have ascribed to for many years. While process and form have it's place, creating a useful and productive end product is the key, and people are the drivers - not the process and endless documentation.
Kathy Scarlet.
Lerina Jean-Yves RAZAFY: ( Inspired by perfection, aspire for excellence. Deliver the remarkable Quickly, timely.
Arnab: (Capgemini FSSBU)
Jeff Baldwin: (MenuXpress) These are the ideals I have lived by my whole career. I am happy to see other people realizing that process is only a means to an end. That process must change and evolve to serve it's purpose and not hamper it. So many lose the forest for the trees!!!!
Holger Dittmann: Eight years of software development convinced me that the Agile Manifesto is the best available approach!
Paul Momola.
Ronald Kerstens.
George Cook: (Chrysaliswebdesign)
Jeanette Cook: I am just learning the Agile methodologies but have been managing IT Development for several years. The Agile methods fits with the changing client needs.
Vladimiro Ferreira: It's a battle, to pursuit these goals... unfortunatly, not all Managers or Company owners are aware of the real benefits of this.
Carlos Marcelo Santos: (ProGnos)
Jerry Creutz: (Full Discourse, LLC) Our company has used this approach for several years and there is no question in my mind that it has made a dramatic improvement in the quality of our development process and results.
Roger Stone: (student)
William C. McDade: (Arcella Global Corp.) Great job! I'm looking forward to joining the thousands of other like-minded development professionals. Thank you for your work on Agile.
Paul: (Belhard) I've been working with many methodologies. Agile is the best for the moment.
Daniel Lohse: (
Sharil Tumin: (It-Department, University of Bergen, Norway)
Mitja Dominko: Plain simple.
Jab: Bureaucracy sucks... developers rules
Chris Krehbiel: (Northrop Grumman) In my experience, Agile and other iterative methodologies are the ONLY effective techniques where the requirements are customer-driven.
Robert Down.
Paul Buchanan: Agile for Infrastructure Rollouts and interworking with ITIL and OATs are my particular interest
Carlo V. Pasaol II: (University of the Philippines, Diliman)
Howard Podeswa: (Noble inc.)
Cihan Kurt.
Chris B. Behrens.
Sudhir Zarabi.
Frederik Van Lierde: (SilverSands The team and I were using the agile method and we gained enormously time. The customer (Federal Government of Belgium, Health Care Department) was very happy as we delivered very generic solutions. We sign new contracts all the time :)
L. Ricardo Sierra: Agile and experience makes software development an art! All of us should follow the manifesto for optimizing the management of SCRUM projects based on a long term solution with short term development work taking care of scenarios and actors (see: refactoring). Feel free to contact me to discuss this topic.

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