Independent Signatories of
The Manifesto for Agile Software Development

We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value:
  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan

That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.


Signatures Received: 11 Jun to 22 Jun 2010
Anand Pimple: ( Compared to traditional development model, Agile methodology emphasis on interaction between developers and business people which give opportunity to developer to understand client expectation from the functionality.
Martin Tallett: (
Elli Tzatzani: (siemens enterprise communications)
Sérgio E.S Souza: (@ TOTVS) I have read a lot about agile processes and studied enough about it, and before that I am here supporting him. I am a developer of solutions for the ERP TOTVS Microsiga Protheus, and I talked about the deployment of agile processes have noticed but resisted by some people. Still trying to impose ideas Fordist, factory floor. I have proven through experimentation with other companies and teams the efficiency of an agile process and since then I support the project.
Carlos Enrique San Román: (Telefónica de Argentina) El cliente y la empresa deben beneficiarse con ésta metodología ágil y novedosa, que rompe todos los estandares conocidos y aún vigentes en las actuales empresas. Hay que romper paradigmas y adecuarnos al entorno cada vez más cambiante. Firmo este manifiesto y ya hemos tenido una caso práctico que demuestra su utilidad, sin haber tenido conocimiento de este manifiesto al cual adhiero totalmente.
Agustin Botana: De acuerdo en todas sus partes. Especialmente a aquella que le da mas peso a la iteraccion con el usuario que a la herramienta usada para desarrollar. Luego de muchos años de haber estado desarrollando satisfactoriamente al lado del usuario y un largo receso de estas actividades, vuelvo a emocionarme con herramientas como Rails que hacen placentero el acto de crear software
Peter Miller: (
Masood Bahrami.
Pradeep Kumar Bojan: (A-Large-Company) Go For It..!!
Hans Klysner: ( I support the idea and people begind the Agile Manifesto.
Stephen H Kovacs.
Raul Xavier Neto: When I was introduced to RUP and such it seemed so right. but after being bitten by bad RUP derived processes for ten years, i was frustrated with software development. Thankfully, this frustration brought me here and, now, I have pleasure and fulfillment with software development again. Thanks guys.
Daniele Trambusti: (Basami s.r.l.)
Vincent Perrin: The Agile Manifesto provides small teams of developers with the necessary methodology to manage their projects. It guides people to find a way to be efficient, communicative, flexible and on time. For that, thank you.
Jerry Lan Dring: (BBC)
Tom Churchwell: (Gale/Cengage) Peace....Love.....and Agile....Nuff Said.
Jon D. Hicks: (Un Reve De Liberte)
Lucas Franceschi: the future of sortware development...
Amir Bendayan: I completely agree with the manifestos basic principles and having worked on IT projects for many years feel that the concepts at their level are sound.
Steven Voyles.
vijay sudhakar: (Mahindra Satyam)
Greg Harley.
Deepak Bangre.
Leonardo Ribeiro Oliveira: ( Because individuals are more than a name in an excel spreadsheet.
Marino Carhuapoma Hilario: (IdeasG) Desarrollo de Software GIS
Ismael García López.
Stephen Larbig: (SCL Group)
ramana: ( In current fast growing business development Agile became mandotory
Druvakumara S: (IBM) Agile is one of the simplest very nice collaborative, fastest and proven software development methodology for experienced people.
Juan Pablo Blanco.
Michael A. Dwyer.
Kathie Drake: (AdvantageIQ) Once you have participated on a team with an Agile methodology you can never go back to the old ways and be content.
Robert Roland: (Shopzilla, Inc.)
Reese Hodge: (AdvantageIQ) I believe in this manifesto and that agile software development is the future and quite possibly the last methodology we need in this industry.
Erik: !
Neil Patterson: (Make Positive)
Lucas J. Castro: (
Grzegorz Gigon: ( After few years of practicing agile software development, I can't see myself ever going back to hacking and waterfall. Thank you for the manifesto.
André Fonseca: In my opinion the adherence of the Agile Principles will be the difference between the professional and unprofessional companies in the 21 century.
Augusto Rodriguez.
Matt Uria: (Maturia Media)
Akash Nilawar: Over the years I have been dealing with the challenges related to the items on the right. Always felt that there must be some better to way overcome those. My search ended when I came across this manifesto!
Biju Nair: (Applications Designer) A real approach to handle real situations in the real world!
Huanlin Tsai: (
Dimitris Angelis: (
Tony Nicholls: (Great Ideaz On Demand) The only real way to focus on delivering actual business value!
C. A. Perani: (XPLAB s.a.s. - Research in Automation - Brescia -ITALY) Since its foundation (1994) XPLAB implements the principles of the philosophy underlying the Manifesto, with remarkable results.
Raisen Espinosa: ( The best being of me.
John Williams.
Lukas Hacura: Agile development from my professional experience is currently the only sane way of creating video games

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