Independent Signatories of
The Manifesto for Agile Software Development

We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value:
  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan

That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.


Signatures Received: 28 Sep to 14 Oct 2010
Filiberto Zaá Avila: (ECO Software C.A.) Nuestro trabajo siempre se enfocó en esas premisas pero no teníamos idea que existía este manifiesto ágil. Apoyamos este pensamiento que realmente permite ser competitivos ante un mercado que se lo lleva todo a su paso. Our work always focused on those premises but we had no idea there was this agile manifesto. We support this thinking can be really competitive to a market that takes everything in its path.
Akshay Yadav: (Nokia Siemens Networks)
Anand Kandimalla: I have worked on SDLCs which followed waterfall, RUP and Agile methodologies. I had great success with Agile software development. The amazing part in following Agile methodology was the users felt involved in the project as they were able to interact with working software every two weeks and at the end of the day we were able to implement a complete working software which met all the user requirements.
Donald Ostrom: Since 1967 I have seen every imaginable development methodology used. The Agile manifesto sums up nicely the values that I learned over my career!.
Elia Schito.
Taillard Pierre: Agile Methodology is so natural and efficient that it is an evidence for me to apply it. No more demo is needed, time is come to deploy it.
Roberto Antonio Becerra García: (Universidad de Holguín) I think that's Agile is the better way to build software nowdays.
Rubaiyat Hasan.
Yegor Zubarets: (YokeApp)
Flavio Andrade: (Arch Informatica) I´m a entusiast of Agile / Scrum method.
Tim Spann: (Instrumental Services) The only responsible way to develop software.
Juraj: (Projects s.r.o. - Webcreator)
Kristjan Kristmannsson: (RU)
Amir Mehmedagic.
Vladyslav Roshchyn: (Angrist Technologies) Being in software development business for more than 16 years, I feel that Agile methodology and set of principles not only brings a huge potential and value to customers and teams, but the only way to do projects effectively nowadays. And of course Agile brings tons of ways to excell so it's the most dynamic modern methodology.
Charles Kunaka.
Christopher Johnson: (WITAC.ORG) Having followed Agile practices and implemented many of the techniques of both XP and SCRUM, I speak from experience when I say that it works if you work it!
Bernard Vander Beken: (
Nick Leonard: (Virnik Evolution Limited) The Agile Manifesto is a clear set of values which could be used for so much more than computer software. Politics, Banking, Research and Commercial art, could all benefit from this way of thinking.
Ganesh M Iyer: (Saudi Arabian Airlines)
Laurent Tardif: (Cara / Agilent / Yahoo)
Barry Tipping: Agile works!
John Sarazen: I worked on some precursors to agile software and infrastructure project management in the early 1990's at Bell Labs. While we realized many incremental benefits from our crude approaches and hoped for something better someday, none of us expected this remarkable outcome. My experience with Agile project management in both software and infrastructure domains has again and again demonstrated the business value of the Agile manifesto. Obviously, I'm an avid supporter.
Philip Chew: Traditional methods of software development fail to take into account the developer and customer's welfare and points of view. Agile may prove to be the better way in paving the way for customers to understand the way developers work, and developers to empathize with the difficulties customers have.
Andriy Ivashkiv: (SoftServe Inc.)
Anja Stiedl: (moccasoft)
Ahmed AbuHasna: Agile is the best!
Junilu Lacar: (Cisco)
Michael Shaw: (Shawsoft)
Lee Alinsky: (CMGX) Continuous "shop floor" quality control, evaluation and re-evaluation is the key to good products that serve the customer's needs. Agile development - and production - is the key to successful products!
Adams Willians A. Zago.
Jon Burgermeister.
Marco Miller.
Roberto Quarantiello: (Altran Italia) In 14 years of professional work I've always tried to apply the Agile Manifesto items.
Peter Knauber: (Mannheim University of Applied Sciences) To me it's essential that we do not only teach traditional development approaches but also help our students to get into the right mindset. Part of this is the awareness that "agile != skip documentation".
Florian Schaller: (Schaller Werbeagentur GmbH)
Anish Kartha: (KPMG) Agile gets the team involved in an unbelievable manner. Everyone has a sense of ownership and the barriers of information are broken down.
Teppo Kuisma: (
Sasirekha: I am studing agile and looking forward for research in this area
Samar Elatta: (Agile Transformation) The value agile can bring into organizations and the way software is build is undeniable. Agile has created a new working relationship between those who build software and those who use it. It has connected them, and like magic these companies out perform and out shine their counterparts.. and the software they build is much more valuable to its users because they had a say in what they wanted, but flexibility to be able to change their mind to fit the ever changing business needs. I endorse the agile values.
Tiago Dias: (Flow-me)
Ruslanas Abdrachimovas.
Martin Vissing Lüttge.
Daniel Helmhold: ( As a business person, my first Agile experience was enlightening, exciting and highly motivating. I look forward to continuing to grow as a professional while trying to harness the agile framework. Thanks to all the founders for your great work!
Ali Choobdar: (Adna)
Ethan D. Keiley: (Fantasy Multimedia) I agree with and support agile development and the agile manifesto. I have been working with agile for about 2 years now and I will never return to my old ways.
Ahmed Shuja: (Obscure Interactive) I am basically a software engineer, now a user centered design practitioner after graduating with a MS degree in Human Computer Interaction. I opted to study HCI because I believed in the Agile Manifesto before I read it. I believed in it because I saw too many failed software projects, which valued the items on the right more than the items on the left!
Kyle Winter.
Dharmesh Thakkar: (RIM)

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