Independent Signatories of
The Manifesto for Agile Software Development

We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value:
  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan

That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.


Signatures Received: 10 Oct to 25 Oct 2006
David Hickerson: (Boeing)
Jason Perry: (Independant) This sounds great, sign me up!
Russell J. Friery.
Simon Martinelli: I completely agree with the Agile Manifesto!
Lei Guo: (Ericsson) Agile makes a software development organization as a whole work smart.
Paul C. Waldeier: (PCW IT Consulting, L.L.C.)
R Moresmith: (Tradeco Wholesale & Trade Network) Previously delivered waterfall projects, but for my own venture, an agile approach has been, and remains the most appropriate. Start-up organisations adopt agile without necessarily knowing it - they are forced to because of the need to deliver revenue generating opportunites quickly.
Geir W. Rogde: (GWR) and it must be said, this is the fun way of doing a software project
Chris Walker: (Independant) It's simple, it's elegant, and it makes sense. The Agile Manifesto, implemented enthusiastically, will add true value. It's not a methodology; it's a philosphy.
Anita Nadkarni.
Sindhu Menon: Agile Software Development is the way to future.
Paul Brady: (Amadeus Trading) Wonderful! and Long Overdue !! Been practising this at the coal face in various forms for over 20 years - this is the best description I've so far found of how PM in the world of IT (and any fast changing environment) needs to be responsive to change. I've been involved in project delivery that required detailed project management without the time for "project management" (as understood by those hung up on formality). Those having difficulty understanding APM should try taking a good photograph of a sunset! In that last 90 seconds the colour opportunity gets richer and deeper as the seconds tick away ...
Robert Dodson: (topbop!) This is a good and useful perspective.
Rajeev Paul: (Sopra Group India)
Clemente Garcia: (Self) (QP) X (QP) = Quality People Quality Products
Thân Quốc Lâm.
Ali Vahed: (Radman ITD Co)
Dennis Vroegop: (Detrio Consultancy b.v.)
Paterno V. Siazon.
Sebastian Dau: (Carl Zeiss MicroImaging GmbH) I'm looking forward to the day when I made most of my collegues work the agile way. It's a rocky way but I truly believe that it's worth it!
Karl-Johan Ståhle: (LunarWorks Holding AB)
Peter Dean.
Pedro M. J. Farinha: The use of tools is to support our native human laziness. That is the only reason we spend so much effort making things to save us time.... to do more things to save us more time .. to do ... more. Only when we are busy doing something, we realise there must be a better way of doing it. But then ... there is still a better way for it. Agile method just match that. The best way to adapt to make more to have more time to make more.
Nithin Rajasekar: (Sonata Software Ltd)
Christian W. Paproth: (whydata IT Services)
Zhivko Tabakov.
Steve Cresswell: (
Simon Laub: (Aarhus, Denmark, Aauug) Even though I'm a bit worried that some will think that the Agile Manifesto is a silver bullet to solve everything (you need to know more than the manifesto itself, obviously) I support the Agile manifesto. Certainly, the Agile Manifesto should not be mis-understood as an 'undisciplined way' of doing things. That said, it is a good thing to embody the insights of complex natural systems. Systems are not "engineered", they "evolve". Programming is the dialog between engineer and the software. It is an art form, where through the process of continious refinement a beautiful and correct software emerges. Attention on Communication is obviously also a good idea. Communication between development and end user. Communication is indeed the Achilles heel of most projects - and everything that helps here should never be underestimated. Even though software development is a technical field I think it is also a very good thing to put people first. People should be treated as highly-valued. I certainly agree 100 % that it is a good thing to "Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done".
Daniel Rios Beltran: (UDABOL UNIVERSITY) As a Systems Engineer who has designed several applications and systems and actually conducting a research in sofftware process movement I have realized that agile development is more that just bringing agility into software development. Agile techniques bridge the gap between customesr and developers,ensuring that the delivered systems do what the customer's need and can be readily adapted to the changing requirements of today's business environment. Applicable to large or small systems, I've successfully applied agile techniques to systems developments in a variety of domains. Agile methods and Extreme Programming in particular have influenced my thinking towards software developments very strongly. I believe deeply in this new approach. Before I had read "Extreme Programming Explained" a couple of years ago I knew there had to be a better way than the frustrating projects I was involved then. Extreme Programming is that way. Finally i totally agree on the principles behind the Manifesto, and I think the agile way represents a change of paradigms, due to its values and perspecitves.
John Zenkus: (Major Financial Services Firm) Agile development's value is best appreciated via comparison to concurrent non-agile development projects. My pilot agile development project with my current firm has been to date a major success. All parties (developers, BAs, business partners) were involved in requirements generation and collectively decided scope for the initial release and subsequent plans for future releases. My team's business partner is actually thrilled to be constantly involved, especially as we moved to requirements to prototyping to actual development, as incremental changes were constantly seen. When compared to software developed using my firm's traditional and rigorous "application development process," where the agile methodology's principle that business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project is not followed, the result is the classic us vs. them mentality that hampers my firm's ability to generate usable software in a timely fashion and creates an unhappy business partner.
Kasper Sørensen: (Independent Software Consultant)
Chad Alderson: ( I support this pragmatic approach to software development!
Jeremiah Stroup: (First American Residential Value View) Implementation of agile has helped me cope with the high level of changes that come from our customers and business employees. It has allowed me to manage multiple tasks more effectively with use of iterations and stories. It truly does create a high level of visibility with the stake holders to offer early business value.
Voir Hillaire: In 21 years of developing software and hearing the latest and greatest "fad methods" this is the first methodology that nails the ideals that work.
Emanuel Lowe.
Anderson Ferreira: Definitely, we usually get better results when we have capable users from the beginer to the end, with a systemic knowledge to support a solution for an Organisation, who has end users to deal with day-by-day business operations. However, depending on the sort of Contract, to manage the project scope as well as the product scope, is a fact that could demand some extra effort.
Mark Zontak: Best thing since sliced bread.
Mårten Haglind: (Haglind Datakonsult) An agile proponent for a number of years I finally got around to signing the "constitution".
Makis Olympitis: Horizontal collaboration and customers participation is the key for delivering quality software instead of endless planning and negotiations to obtain strict commitments for timely delivery of the inevitably unknown final result, heavy audit oriented processes and useless documentation produced for no-one to read. I wish agile initiative every success!
Ive Verstappen: (BIT IT Consultancy) I studied both XP and SCRUM. I apply SCRUM in different project-teams with great success. People work together, are motivated and feel in control despite the chaos which surrounds them. I suggest to anyone who wants to be "agile" to really study the physics of "agility" before implementing it. It is easy on the surface but the dynamics are really deep! You will never stop learning about people and technology.
Ricardo Maciel: (Home Office) Because Agile captures the nature of good software development: Teaching computers to serve humans through a continuous, evolutive, dynamic and interactive human process that turns computers increasingly valuable to the customer.
Yury Rest: ( Quite a long time I was using this methodology and can totally sign all the Manifesto principals at last.
Kris De Volder: (University of British Columbia)
Ola Ellnestam: (Agical AB)
Oscar Guindzberg: (Latbrain) I share the principles expressed in the manifesto. I think the waterfall already proved it's not only a bad methodology, but also an unrealistic one.
Tim Zheng.
Barry Burd: (Burd Brain Consulting and Drew University)
Jimmie C. Blair, II: (Empower Architects, Inc.)
Sreedhar Solleti: (ADP Private Limited) This way we can have better communication among different groups of software development process and also quick turnaround to our customer requirements.
Matthias Hayn: (EDV Beratung Matthias Hayn)

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