Independent Signatories of
The Manifesto for Agile Software Development

We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value:
  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan

That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.


Signatures Received: 25 Oct to 12 Nov 2010
Ingrid: (
Ignacio Moncada G.
michael: (Queensland Health) If you're not using agile then you aren't developing software.
Siddharth Fadnis: ( Going agile really helps. It is much more logical to get the things done than to beat around the bush. It is important to fail, and to fail quickly, in order to achieve solid success.
Suraj Borkar: I understand the significance of agile software development in todays IT world. I completely suport this manifesto.
Yves Koekkoek: ( As a teacher i like instilling as much Agility as i can in my courses. Confidence must be the teams soul and, then, it works.
Daniel Goldenberg.
Arturo Herrero: (http:// Be your dreams. Be agile!!!
Allen Pitts: (Bank of America) Agile, while not perfect, is the best SDLC methodology in existence. It is the best because it better mitigates the number one risk in SDLC. That risk is that process answers a question but the question answered is not the question asked by the business.
Richard John M. Buendia: (Ideyatech Inc.)
Thiago Araujo: (Azul Tecnologia) Finally, the most honest and fair way to meet customers' investment and the work of IT at the same time.
Damien Buhl: (Le CBNA) We use Agile Development since 2 years, and we improve us using it, following the 12th principle.
Diogo Carmo: (Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior : Sport Sciences School of Rio Maior)
Dario Zarro: ( Perfection is attained, not when no more can be added, but when no more can be removed. (Antoine de Saint Exupéry)
Mark Schell.
Jeff Campbell: (Segun Solutions, LLC)
SANA IRFAN KHAN: (Top Study Links) Agile is one of the emerging and powerful software development methodologies.
Unmesh Kondolikar: I completely agree that following the agile principles can help deliver better software, therefore I support this manifesto.
Tom Vergotte: Software development gives a lot of satisfaction when the result really rocks, and this is much easier to achieve when you do it agile!
David Padrón Alvarez: (desoft s.a.) I lead Amelia3D, a group for audiovisuals production and multimedia works. We use agile methods for our daily jobs, mainly based on SCRUM and XP methodologies. We have created also a new methodology named SXPa. We support the Agile Manifesto, because it represents a better way to make things right.
Tony Svedlund: (Britech Consulting) Principles that are proven to give Actual Results and Value for Money!
Mark Conde: (
Emmerson Miranda: (
Suelen Goularte Carvalho: (
Raúl-Gerardo Vázquez-González: (ESCOM)
Thomas A. Bertz.
Francisco Alegretti: (UFRGS) The Agile Manifesto highlights and brings back the values that every good developer knows since birth, by hearth... by instintc!
Aroun Poligadu: (TNT) Agile favours working software and code which is the heart of the IT world.
Chani Macauley: (Alacrity (Pty) Ltd)
Lucio Braga: (VI Tecnologia) Finally, a good dose of common sense in software development.
Richard Delorenzi: (
Yong Yin.
Ivan Pierre: (kilroySoft) Tools are ready now to be Agile and will be moreover...
Sander Huijsen: (Logica)
jony lalwani: (Tieto)
Onyemaobi Chibuzo: (Salem University Lokoja)
Andrew Pieterse.
Vasundhara JM.
Manoj Pillai.
Maarten Brouwers: (murb - user experience & internet advice) As a user experience designer I know how important it is to iterate, continuously improving on the previous versions of a working product. Collaborating with my clients, instead of fighting with them with contracts and specifications. That's what I endorse, and hence my support for the Agile Manifesto
Nayara Marostegan Gomes: (Ci&T Software) I believe that agile methodologies have come only to further enrich the construction of software. With agile, we can deliver a quality software, with a guaranteed price and delivery to the customer. There are still many improvements to be made, but we are on track!
Andrew Long: (Plan 8 Consulting) I firmly believe that Agile is the only way to deliver software, the difference it has made to the way i approach delivery is staggering (not sure what i did without it!!)
Eduardo de Moura Rodrigues.
Firmin Fabrice: (one step further consulting) I am the owner of one step further consulting (France). I have worked many years implementing lean projects for French companies mainly in particular in R&D environment. I have developed a strong interest for SCRUM since two years and will be more and more involved in implementation programs.
Nicole Raymond: I adhere to these values and the principles. Eighteen years experience in the development of software for the healthcare industry is the base of my endorsement of these values and principles.
Pavel Ernesto Navarro Guerrero: (desoft s.a.) I'm Ruby programmer. I belong to Amelia3D, a project to develop free software, which belongs to the company DESOFT. I have worked with Scrum, XP and BDD. Pragmitic is the best publisher of books out there. Long live Free Software
Pedro Victória: (
Carsten Ziegeler: I should have signed this years ago...because it's so spot on.
Norberto Rebequi: ((...el iglu...)) I Support the Agile Manifesto!

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