Independent Signatories of
The Manifesto for Agile Software Development

We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value:
  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan

That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.


Signatures Received: 28 Dec to 08 Jan 2016
Marc de Bois: (WebQ BV)
Ihor Pletnov.
Wade J Finner.
Ernest Hughes: (HughesGlobal, LLC) It's 2016. Why isn't your organization agile yet?
Andy Lechlak: (Toledo Lucas County Public Library)
Dr. Stephen Whittle.
Susana Rodrigues e Silva.
Danny Fernandes: (Cisco Systems)
Andrey Chizhov: Apparently, Agile is the best that has been created to date for successful software development.
Mirko Murru: Best innovation ever in Software Development.
Alexander Baron.
Avi Elkharrat.
David Sabine: I appreciate that you all got together, thought about it, and wrote down these thoughts. These thoughts have been very helpful to me and to others.
Yuri Souza Padua: We live in a changing world. We change. Everything changes all the time. If our projects and how we manage it can not keep up this pace, we will always leaving something of value behind, either (value) happiness of our customers and partners, or (value) even monetary... Because of this, we need to be agile...
Art Kondratiev: Agile principles cannot be disagreed with.
Vladylen Shashkov: Great, thanks for your work for the community!
Karthikeyan.A K.
Héctor Borreguero: (BBVA)
Fernando Gonzalez Martel: (BBVA)
Vishakha Manilal Patel: When I first heard about Agile, I was 'sold' in no time. For it only tapped/tickled to what I believed in already, and came to me more as a validation of 'my own thoughts and ways'. Agile values and principles, I feel, are in true alignment with who I am at heart. I have been living them all my life, professional or personal, consciously or subconsciously - even before I knew they existed somewhere in the books, too! ... So here I am, better late than never, signing the Agile Manifesto. Let the wisdom prevail. Amen.
Esteven Fulgar: (SCP/AGM/I4One) I believe, practice, promote and support the Agile Manifesto and the principles behind it.
Luke Gawel: (GE) In a world of historically long cycle times for app development, Agile allows for a distinct and measurable business differentiation. Agile allows us to get the product in front of the customer quicker to make sure we are doing the right thing saving dev rework hours and more importantly, less developer frustration.
jerome roberts: (philips IT) It works...I started with extreme programming principles and it worked
Brandon W Chambers: (University of Washington) Appropriate mission.
Rizwan ur Rehman: (smart homes automation system)
Michael Glasney.
Palani Venkat.
Thomas Mercado: (Smart Communications, Inc.)
Melanie Sumner.
Yuriy Pochynok.
Pierre Kypréos.
Lucas Crostarosa.
Juan Francisco Marcos: (IT Project Manager and Data Scientist) Thanks to this methodology we have been able to not only motivate our fellow collaborators, but to increase the communication and participation of our clients in the definition of our products and services
Carlos Benítez Monje: La agilidad dejará de ser una moda, para convertirse en una serie de practicas de uso cotidiano... Me gusta la definición, Actively Gain Improvements Learning Everyday
Vaibhav Sharma: (PopcornApps Inc.) I have been bootstrapping small to medium size software devlopment projects and have been able to follow and apply the tenets of Agile Software development which have proven to be success mantra to a great percentage. Because of this and assurance to acceptable returns on investment in Agile processes I support the Agile manifesto
Rob Kosier: (Hollywood Casino Columbus) I encourage the change to software development to make it easier to define, participate and complete.
Cuauhtemoc Salvador Gonzalez Mejia.
Nicolas Cirnigliaro: (Eucariota Business)
Mario Moederscheim: (Sogeti Netherlands)
Phil: Full Support!
Curtis Smith: (Array-Via)
Olivier Albiez: (Azae)
Claudio Riefolo: (
Russ Arbuthnot.
Luiz Carlos Mazzeo: (embraer)
Mario Neè: (SOFTFOUR Snc) The best way to develop software!
Fabian Dennler: (fabforge)
Jeff Medina.

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